Ah well. Here I am


When I started drinking again after my first time with a few months of sobriety, I didn’t bother having just one drink: I went straight to binging.

This is what keeps me from having one, I’m not prepared to just keep it mellow, if I drink, I let the beast out lol. Good luck, hope the cravings have subsided.


I really think getting thru big events is a prelude to relapse. We strengthen our resolve, we have back up plans, we develop strategies. It’s the minutia of daily life that fucks with us and also coming down from the big events, feeling accomplished and bam there’s your old buddy alcohol saying, “good job friend, how’bout a drink to celebrate?” Good luck @Elisabeth this is a bitch.


I was sober for 3 years. 3. Years. So don’t beat yourself up. This thing we have, it’s insidious. It’s persistent. And it’s mean.
The positive in all this is you learned something about yourself, and how this disease works on you. Take note, pick yourself up, and move forward, never backward.
You can do it.


Miss @Elisabeth sorry to hear about your relapse but it’s not the end of the World. When I started trying to get sober it took me 10 years to hit it right. And now almost 28 years later I am still sober. Remember your not a ham so you can’t be cured of this addiction it’s a disease that can be managed. I had an old timer tell me once your only an arms length from your next drink. My sponcered relapsed with 20 years thought he could handle it that night he got his 3rd DWI. Don’t beat yourself up to bad none of us walk on water.


Thank you for your words. They help with people like myself who have only been sober for more than three weeks and less than a month. I love this site because nobody judges. You have strength.


I’m so sorry you are going through this, but also so grateful that you posted it. I have been thinking I could have a glass of wine with a friend and we discussed it last week. At the last minute I told her no, I did not want to go back there. Now that I hear from you how very hard it it, it just solidifies my decision. You can get back to where you were…just take one day at a time…


I was pretty ignorant and didn’t realize how difficult it would be! If anything, I’m glad people can take something from my experience. I guess I thought with a lot of time under my belt, I could have a slip up and get right back at it. Wrong! The emotional roller coaster has come back full force. Which for me was definitely the hardest about being newly sober.

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Please dont beat yourself up over this, you’re human! We fuck up from time to time, you have proven that you can do it, 6 months is an amazing achievement and nobody can take that away from you.

We’re all here with you, you have so many friends here who are right behind you. Tomorrow is a new day :blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart:

Much Love,



We pick ourselves up and dust ourselves down @Elisabeth. I echo what you’re saying about getting back to it. It’s taken me nearly 2 weeks to do a day. It always gets harder to get back until one relapse too many, you can’t.

Fix up, turn up and dress well. We’ve got this. We’ve got you. We’ve all got each other. One day at a time. Much love :kissing_heart:


“We’ve got you.” Love this, and thank you.


I love that!!!

I also liked your use of the word turd.

Its my favourite word ever :joy: chin up sweetheart. One day at a time. Hope you’re well x

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Finally after hours of catching up I found your story. You my dear girl are a breath of fresh air. I’ll always remember the moment you captured my heart with your no bs attitude and unmatchable wit! I admire and respect you and I’ve felt the sting of square one 1 to many times. But having people like you in my life make it sting a lot less these days. I love you so much!