Alchohol addiction

Im on serious condition of alchohol use,the problem i got is when im using alchohol i will always go beyond and doesnt have any control over my actions.more seriously i need more and more when start drinking
Please i need some advice from this community to recover on this cause this thing ruining my life
Thank you


This problem is pretty common here among usā€¦1 drink is too much and 10 is not enough. I got the same problem, and the only solution for me is abstinence !
This community is amazing, youā€™ll find people like you here, who will understand you, support you, but in the end itā€™s all in your hands.
I wish you strength


Yep. Same. The only thing that works for me is not drinking. Ever. Youā€™re not alone.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

Take a good read around to see how others cope and manage not drinking.
It is the best solution to not have that first drink.
Meetings are also great :+1: have you ever tried any ?
There are many online ones you may find helpful, face to face is brilliant too.


Welcome Sam! So many people on this forum can relate to your post. As far as sobriety, make an action plan and follow through with it daily. Hereā€™s a great thread where those with 2+ years posted on what works for them. Take a read and get some ideas on what direction you want to take.


Yeah brother thank u reminding me that im not alone well i always tried to quit it but i always on need to get it ,can u please tell me how u get rid of this mental situation

I know friends that what i going to do now can u tell me how u get rid of this thing cause always 10 is not enough for me too

Thank you sister lisa it great to know and thank you for ur valuable advice

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I simply stop. Simply is not correct because it wasnā€™t simple at all :sweat_smile:
5 or 6 years ago i quit drinking except during parties or family events. Better than before, but even then, it and I was a mess. So I decided to quit and I became sober, and i found this app. After a few tries I finally stuck to it, and everyone around me know that Iā€™m the one you donā€™t have to propose alcohol because the answer is ā€œnoā€.

The fight is on, until my final breath

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A big part was finally admitting in clear language that I have a problem with alcohol. I made a list of all the things alcohol had or was actively ruining in my life. The list included how I feel about my addiction and myself when I am drunk and when I am hungover. Part of my acceptance was coming to terms with my belief that my alcoholism is a disease, and the only cure for me is to not drink. Then I accepted that I cannot heal alone. I did online AA meetings and joined a couple online forums. This is the one I have stuck with. I read and post daily as part of my sober work, which is very much grounded in ā€˜one day at a time.ā€™ I wake up every morning and think of 3 things I am excited about the day. Then I reaffirm my decision to not drink today. I am far from flawless in this thinking, however, so I have tools and methods in those moments where the drunk voice tells me one wonā€™t hurt anything. I drop everything if possible and take a walk. I come here. I get out those lists I wrote about alcohol ruining things and remind myself why one costs everything. The more time passes and this becomes routine, the prouder and happier I feel. I guarantee you being sober is a better life. Itā€™s worth the work.

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