Alcohol abuse any help please

Hello I’m Jon from the uk I’ve decided to quit alcohol after being a everyday bottle of whiskey drinker I’ve started lifting weights and playing video games any help to stear away from the booze addiction would be useful thanks.


Welcome Jon from UK.
Great first step.
Glad you found us.
This is a great sober community for support.
Have a good read around.
Here are two good threads to start:

Being active on here keeps me sober.
Going to meetings can work if you work it.


Do you have time where u just want to give in and have a drink it’s really hard thank you for ur reply god bless u.


Hi Jon, and welcome! :wave:

Would you have done most of your drinking at home?

If so, consider spending your usual drinking hours outside of the house for the first while, at least until you get a handle on things. If you’re spending your drinking hours in the house in early sobriety, your body will want to default into its usual routine, because you’ve been doing it for so long.

Think up some things you could do. Whether it’s going to an AA meeting, visiting friends or family, making new friends, take a class, go to the gym, get out walking, go to the cinema etc. There are loads of things you can do, you just have to consciously change your routine. If you do nothing, you just leave an alcohol shaped hole in your drinking hours. You don’t want to face the same problem every day, so carve out a new routine for yourself.

It’s good that you’ve come here, seeking support is a great first step. You have a lot of people here that have walked your road, and can relate.

We are here whenever you need a chat, or need a little support :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:


This is common in early sobriety, and for some it can strike randomly, particularly in times of stress etc. This is why you have to create a ‘sober toolbox’. In there will be things you can do and coping methods for when you’re not coping too well. Meditation and journaling are popular with some, as they can be useful for changing your mindset and taking time to reflect.

Some people really get something from AA meetings for example, others, not so much. You just have to come up with a list of things that takes you back from the brink until it gets easier :+1:


Hi Jon and welcome!

You’ve come a long way by being here and reaching out for help - well done.

Going from bottle of whiskey to no alcohol is a big change.

Be patient with yourself. It’s a cliche but just live one day at a time.

I’m only one week into sobriety but I already feel the benefits - better sleep, mentally much clearer and sharper, more energetic etc.

It feels pretty amazing and I’m not about to give it up just for a few moments of pleasure by having a drink.

I have no doubt that you’ll begin to see the benefits in your life in no time.

All the very best. The community here is extremely supportive. Feel free to post any updates, questions or comments here.


Hey Jon.
If you are replying to someone in particular on your thread. Click reply on the bottom right side of my post. That way I will get your reply. Otherwise the blue reply in the middle just puts your question out for anyone.

Of course early on I wanted to give up and just give in like I always use to. But this time was different. I really wanted to stop this time. That’s why I downloaded this app. I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I had to have an open mind and listen to people and figure out what was going to work for me.

That and a lot of angry power walks with Eminem and 2 a day cries in a hot scalding shower. Especially around 5 pm. I’d get in the shower. And I’d just cry because I know I cannot drink like a normal person. Never could. Never did. Never will. I cannot have that first drink.

Here’s another thread if your interested.
Dans link

There’s lots of resources out there. Lots of great people on here too. We are just helping each other not pick up that most important drink. That first one.
One day at a time.
Sometimes one hour at a time.
Keep checking in.
Someone is always around.


Hi and welcome, there’s going to be a million reasons to pick up a drink just like you thought you had whilst drinking but in all honesty we pick up for one reason. Your an alcoholic just like me and plenty of other people. Your not different and your not special or the exception to the rule so read about what other people do to stay sober, go to meetings and see if that helps. Listen and take action. I’ve never met anyone who just wished themselves sober. When it hurts talk to other alcoholics. Do everything and anything not to pick up. I wish you well on your journey :+1:


Hi Jon, Welcome. Until the desire to drink goes away, sometimes slowly sometimes quickly, the urge will be there. You have to fight it. If you start making excuses “oh well I’ll just have one”, you’re falling down the alcohol hole. We cannot ever drink again. It’s a simple statement. We either live by it or suffer the horrible consequences. We cannot ever drink again. It’s a simple statement. We either learn the lesson or suffer the horrible consequences. I choose to never go back to how I was living and feeling as a drunk.


Welcome! This place saved my life. Start by being active here. Read threads, there is so much advice and support here.

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Thank you guys this is my first day sober in a long while I once quit for 6 months because I was in a really bad way I’ll keep all of you in my thoughts as I fight the demons which is alcohol god bless u all


Enjoy your sober day as much as possible. And welcome :sunflower:

In the early days you might be tired or/and experience sleep issues. Be kind to yourself and patient, it will get better. Take the day from minute to minute until you put your sober head on the pillow at night. Wishing you a good day.

Yeah first day I got through it pretty easy but as the days keep counting it becomes hard I just pray and stay strong thank you for all ur kind words.

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Great you made it through the first day. Occupy yourself and change routines. Take it easy and take it seriously. Checking out HALT helps me a lot in my life.

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3rd day sober and feel happy I been playing video games drinking ton of water just a lil update guys.