Alcohol free beers, wines etc your thoughts please!

Afternoon all. Whats your thoughts on alcohol free beers etc? Have any of you been sober switch to them and it lead you back to alcoholic beers? Or have they helped you stay sober?

Im thinking of using alcoholic free drinks but worried it might lead me back to using :thinking:


I personally stay away from them. There are a ton of threads already started on this topic if you want to search them you can get a lot more info :slightly_smiling_face:


So Stay away then. I was going to that way of thinking anyways and doesn’t sound like a good idea for me personally.


Well depends on you really. I always used some n/a beers while sober. It has never been that that made me relapsed. In the contrary, it helped me some sunny afternoon or after a rough day that I would have usually drank beer. Made me realize I didn’t even need it but sometime just having fake-taste calmed me a bit while doing other activities. I would say it can be a good transition and/or for festivities occasions later. I think it’s ok to want to drink something else than water and juices for the taste… as long as you are clear with yourself about sobriety. Of course don’t try that in a situation that can escalate like in a bar lol. That’s my opinion though it’s very personal.


In my first three months or sobriety, I did occasionally have some. I bought a 12 pack of n.a one day, didnt even open it and it sits in my fridge. I just don’t want them either, not because they trigger me or anything. But bc I just don’t want them, my thoughts of consuming alcohol have been really slim, when I went to buddies surprise bday party I had thought about bringing the n.a and then I said nah fuck that and just drank water. There isn’t anything special or cool about the n.a drinks. I’m not against n.a drinks they never made me come close to a relpase, but idk just don’t see a point in them now either. But I would wait till your at least a month or longer sober before trying them. Just to give yourself a lil bit of foundation and clarification in you’re mind


Ok cool. I think knowing myself it make it harder not to go back

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Some threads you may find helpful…

Can I drink non-alcoholic beer?

(Dealcoholized wine )

(Non alcohol beer )

Alcohol free beer - yes or no?


Thanks. Im almost scared to even try them just in case it makes my Sobriety even harder. Maybe ill feel differently in a few months.

Its 7 days for me tomorrow so im actually really happy.

I guess it would depend why a person is drinking a non alcoholic beer. If it is because they like the taste then I don’t see a problem. If its because they want to “fit in” with the crowd or because they are holding on to their drinking past and habits then I would say its not such a good idea. Non alcoholic beer is for non alcoholics.

Just my 2 cents.


I had some NA beer a long time ago. Pretty sure it tasted like shit. I have had no interest in trying them since I got sober. Not really sure what the point is. I prefer to address the root causes of cravings rather than satisfying them. I gotta say it’s been at least a couple years since I’ve had a craving.


Mate, if you’re worried then it’s probably best to not bother.
We generally need to change major aspects of our lives and by using na drinks it’s kinda staying within the drinking culture

Search this question up bud. It’s been asked so many times before.

Edit, in fact Sassy has linked a couple on a thread started a couple of days ago.


I drink non alcoholic beer sometimes because I like the taste. It doesn’t make me want alcohol. Its a very personal decision.

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My situation is similar …I had them a few times, but the last 12 pack I bought was a while back and 11 of them are still there. Just makes my stomach feel bad honestly. At one point I had convinced myself that I liked the taste of beer when I was drinking…turns out that was false. Still may grab one here or there some time…but until then they will just sit.

I’m afraid to try NA beers or wine. I just know that addictive brain in me be like “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!!”


One of my mottos is “don’t poke the bear.” From experience I know those teeth and claws are long and sharp… There is no way in hell I’m willing to risk the chance to awaken that demon. :heart:

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My fear aswell


Thanks #WCan that was insightful. I’m a newbie and considered staying away from NA beers and wine. Like you said, nothing beats an ice cold beer at the end of a day, so I’ll give it a shot.