Alcohol free for me please universe

Thankyou for being there. Just was in a 2 hour online meeting, start to finish, and shared a bit too. :heart:. Keep coming back . One day at a time.:pray:


Hi Hazy! Happy 2022! I do a meeting most days as well. I also just started meditating with the help of Insight Timer. I need to add more to my toolkit this year. Anyway, just want you to know how grateful I am to be on this journey with you!

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Awesome :sunglasses:. Happy 2022 :star:
Yeah gonna keep picking up those tools. Pray for those who hasn’t this way of life yet…

Maybe you wanna join the gratidudes. It is a growing yet sufficient small community and it is contagious.


Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

Uhh, I inserted a link, I am proud :sunglasses:

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Sharing these pics of the kittens that were real hard work to look after for 3 full months. They were born at the end of August.
Grateful that the house is peaceful again to be honest.

I also built a lodge, the last few months

and painted it inside and out for my eldest to dwell in. She had been sharing a room with my son for 6 months. Again hard work but she moved in just before Christmas.
Grateful that we all have our peace and quiet now…
Gotta find peace with myself and allow myself to not be stressed out anymore.


Day 10, riding the life rythm, it’s calm peaceful, and my head went off for a second asking for sabotage, not today. :pray::pray::pray::pray:… shower :shower: and bed :bed::bed::star::star:

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Today I ‘intentionally’ stop my head from running away with the past and future, stop myself from raising my voice and getting stressed. :pray:


A junkie can never start to cure himself until he recognises his true condition - Malcolm X

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I won a court case this morning, ( 3 years I been defending myself) not by my defense but by the good judge’s analysis of the evidence which wasn’t there. Case Dismissed!. A glorious relief. A big monster ( £3000+) off my back finally. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:… Now ,how to do a chemistry exam I’ve done shit all revision for :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::poop:🙆🙆🙆


Fingers crossed for your exam. I loved chemistry but wasn’t good at it. Especially organic chemistry and all the f*** name reactions :see_no_evil::crazy_face:

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Ya, stereochemistry, fucked it,I didn’t revise enough…I did a fight or flight when I saw last year’s exam papers at the end of term ,stuck my head in the sand , put barriers up,so didn’t revise thinking already that I couldn’t do it. I could if done if I had revised hard. I got the IR spectrometry, got the bit on pka not much more, I pray for a resit in August, and A LOT of hard study in summer for me!. :face_with_monocle::weary::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I am so excited!.. I have been invited to my sponsors birthday next week :heart::star::heart:
I haven’t met her in person yet. She agreed to be my sponsor last March and she has supported me all the way … I’m so so grateful…:grin::grin::grin:

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Getting prepared for semester 2 starting tomorrow. Looking forward to lectures again. I’m going to try to listen more in the lectures than worry about taking notes…see what happens :sunny:

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I am here clean. Grateful. Had a wierd day yesterday, bit all over, stomped around house not knowing what to do. Hoovered a bit , drank tea, bit of study, in the evening I had to get the treadmill out cos I was feeling so agitated, brisk 10 min walk and felt better, stayed up too late tho. But I am fine. Day at a time , stay chill, uni later, an easy practical to do. The day will go as it needs to. :sunny::yellow_heart::sunny::pray:


Good to see you’re progressing Hazy, thanks for sharing your story with us.

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Thanks :pray:. Im Telling myself that I’m okay today…

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