Alcohol induced psychosis

Im 26 and have had a long history with alcohol abuse. I can’t go more then a day. Right now I’m in 48 hours clean. I am feeling extremely anxious and paranoid.
I decided I had to stop as I had a psychotic episode and blacked out. My husband told me what happened he was sober. I was yelling at people that didn’t exist and talking about how the news is fake even down to.the way people yawn. No joke.
I broke down when I heard this. I had no idea. I thought I just went to bed.
I’m afraid. I want to run away. My mind is playing tricks on me. I feel very alone.


Sorry that’s a heck of a wake up call. Nice work on getting in 48 hours! That’s awesome. Your making great progress keep going sunshine!

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I can relate to alcohol making you “manic”. I just called them manic episodes. I completely black out but I’m awake (usually crying in a heap somewhere totally inappropriate) doing and saying crazy things. Keep up the good work! After your first few days it gets easier to say no to the booze

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You’re not alone. I’ve had so many psychotic breaks that it is actually kind of scary… But here’s the upside; I’m 26 days clean and i don’t have those episodes anymore. Maybe that will give you some hope.

However if it’s really worrying you, perhaps you could go See a therapist? They can be very helpful.


Keep going and don’t be anxious. You can do it.


Thank you all for giving me some hope and insights to your own lives it makes it a bit better to cope. Still no alcohol and I’m starting to really get aggravated short tempered frustrated and I know I’m going to loose sleep tonight over it all. It’s driving me fucking crazy


I totally understand. I was the same way after i steopped using heroin. Maybe therapy might help? Do some nice things for yourself… Warm baths while reading a book always calms me down

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It passes…believe me, in the first two weeks i wanted to rip the world to shreds at the drop of a feather.
But the withdrawls will subside and it will get easier!


Yes that’s exactly how I feel.wanting to rip the world to shreds and the drop of a feather!!! But 9 days sober fuckers!!! Excuse the language. My head is pounding and I’m bed ridden atm I have no energy how long till this shit goes away. I feel like I’m hung over but worse!

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Well congrats on the 9 days! I’m about 3 in and really really wanting to drink right now. Tried going to an AA meeting last night except no one was there. Awesome first one I ever tried going to too. I hope that feeling passes soon! How much and often did you drink?

congrats on 9 days, you are doing an amazing job, remember that things will improve and the feelings you are having will soon dissipate (the feelings don’t last forever even if it seems relentless) remember to keep up your fluids water, sparkling water, juice, even soft drink, the sugars would be playing havoc with you at the moment, try and eat well. You are on the right track by having rest (withdrawal can take between 7 and ten days) you can do it you are in the right place. Hang in there sending you positive vibes your way…


Hi Emma. Sandra here. You are not alone. I have experienced the same. Glad to say since being sober that hasn’t happened. 15 days now. This was posted awhile ago. How are things going for you?

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