Alcoholism/Addiction/ Sobriety Videos and Documentaries

Just heard about this in a meeting…


I remember this. My parents made me watch it. It scared me.

It was cool to see the results and the effect it had for both the kids and the prisoners.

Love that. Brilliant talk :pray::fist_right::fist_left::pray:

Really opened my eyes…:boom::exploding_head:


Addiction & mental health & recovery in the form of a little pop doc


This girl :broken_heart: it breaks my heart. I wasn’t sure if I was going to comment on this video but I just really feel for this woman. I was never right on the street like her (however I knew many woman who were) but I would meet men online and then wed meet up in person. Its just as scary and just as dangerous when meeting a stranger. Some guys were great and sweet (which were my regulars) but most were scary and super iffy to be around. Being driven off somewhere where I’d have no clue where I was gping or how to get back if I was in danger. Being drugged and every other thing I don’t want to mention. Sometimes it was for survival and sometimes it would be just to get my next fix. This hit home hard for me. Even the way she spoke about how progressive her addiction was. Bcuz like her, I ended u shooting up and literally doing what I could to not get dope sick. And it was often married men or men who were not that confident around woman, or men wanting to “try something new that their wives wouldn’t do” that would come to me. Even men with high ranking careers! And all ages. Didn’t matter. And I still feel awful to be honest for being a part of relationship break ups or when their fathers money was going to me instead of his kids n family. I feel like a real shitty person for being that person that took their dads money. To this day it hurts me. And then my abusive ex profiting off of what I made (so I could get some protection) and it was such a shit show of a life. But it becomes ur “normal”… I don’t think anyone ever gets used to that life. The chaos and insanity became my new normal. I do remember that feeling like it was yesterday and that was about 7 years ago or so. Such sadness and hollowness in her eyes. It made me very grateful for the support I had back home which helped me get out of that. It bothers me when some area of the world require money to attend treatment centres. Often times alot of addicts etc don’t have that kind of money. This absolutely needs to change! But I couldn’t even begin to figure out how to change that :frowning:


Body Brokers.
Shit😔.based on true story, …meetings are free.

Beautiful story

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Im so glad your here :hugs: safe x

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Thank you! :heart: I’m glad ur here too! We are making it out of our living hells ODAAT!

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“I have found that the only way I can deal with it is to find other people who had similar experiences and talk to them it doesn’t cost anything it doesn’t cost a thing” - Craig Ferguson


I love the show Intervention but sometimes I find it a bit triggerish.

Sylvia, she is the greatest. :clap::clap::clap: From alcoholic to counsellor. Just love it.

Busy watching this , just the positive message I need right now. Happy to share!


Documentary “What alcohol does to your body”. Interesting, if you don’t mind watching cadaver parts on an table!


HBO max was just introduced in The Netherlands. First thing I saw is this. Tough watching. Excellent documentary about three decades, three folks and three life / addiction stories from Newark NY.


Was watching this yesterday. When I sometimes think about drinking, I watch documentary to remind me how bad it gets.


This is not a documentary, but still I wanted to share because I think it represents the sad cicle of addiction. Maybe somebody has already seen it, it’s already 7 years old.


Now that is cool. Very interesting. And I don’t want to eat all.of a sudden. :crazy_face::joy:

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I think it’s more about booze, than food! Franzi, pls don’t stop eating! :laughing:

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@Tito23 Thanks for sharing the video clip. Its helpful to know famous people struggle just like everyone else.