Almost to 30 days. How do I stay on track without being so overwhelmed and emotional?

I’m 146 days sober from alcohol and 25 days sober from my addictions. First time detox center patient now I commute to my recovery center. I get overwhelmed after though trying to balance that self care and home care. My Husband is sick and I want to cry and scream but I pray :pray: :palms_up_together: I just need help with stopping it before it gets that far. Thank you


Welcome and you’re doing great things, Stephanie. Keeping it simple, remember what we can & can’t control (ourselves, our attitude and actions-only).
I’ll say a prayer for your hubby and that he gets well soon.
Meeting makers make it, I was told in the beginning. I believe it to be true. Those who lace up/show up to heal & help others make it.
Stay the course and we get to live happy, joyous and free! Big hugs to you both.


Welcome Stephanie and Congratulations on your 146 days sober and the 25. :clap: :clap: :clap:

This is a great sober community to get and give support. Lots of great people here willing to help out.

There’s a great daily check in thread a lot of people use. Checking in daily to maintain focus #67
People checking in and sharing their experiences strength and hope. Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable.


Welcome Steph!
So glad you found us. I can relate to that overwhelmed feeling in early recovery. Balancing a family, full time job and intensive outpatient treatment was extremely hard. What kept me going was the fact that I knew the situation was only temporary and I was getting treatment to be a better mom, wife and coworker. I stuck with it and life eventually balanced out. All that exhausting work on myself while maintaining life was worth it.

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For that overwhelmed feeling, taking a deep breath and wearing the serenity prayer like a mantra has helped me through sober years.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

With careful reflection on this in every moment, I have learned more and more how to live in acceptance. The things that are only momentary. The trust that I need only the courage to carry on my day. The wisdom to… Okay, I’m still not very wise, but that’s fine. :joy:

Peace be ever with you, my friend! One day at a time. And congrats on 30 days! That’s huge.

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