Am I an alcoholic? 20 years of it time to admit?

Thanks @Bootz i appreciate your support so very much!

Congrats @GolfNut1978 for 4 months! Sobriety is a gift!

I have another drunk in me but i dont know if i have another sober in me so, yes, im determined to make the most of this gift :slight_smile:


It seemed like just yesterday you were checking in at 8 months. Thrilled for you and your husband embarking on this journey together. The Promises absolutely started to reveal themselves early in sobriety. What a gift.


@Cjp I drank for 40 years. It was not until I retired that my drinking got unmanageable. Too much time on my hands. Then Covid hit. About the only thing open was the ABC store and a little grocery nearby. I stayed blackout drunk every night for half a year.


Hows your sober journey going so far?

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Folks watch Boscoe during the day. After work i pick him up and get some quality time chatting with my folks.

Today my dad asked how aa, “which is based in christian principles” (his words) could work for me if im not christian. I calmly explained that yes aa was inspired by christian people but they encourage people through the twelve steps to find their own higher power. I gave examples that the aa group or the universe could be your higher power and then i realized its ok if he doesnt understand. AA works for those who need it and want it. Even if its a cult jk jk i wouldnt be where i am today without AA


Brilliantly stated.


Im so full of gratitude. Without getting fed being addicted to alcohol and committing to AA i wouldnt be where i am today on a spiritual journey. Exploring my beliefs and energies and the metaphysical is so exhilerating. I will continue on my path to defining or understanding my higher power. Tonight i described my higher power as the universe and energies.

I found a meetup that explored the art of conscience. It was about putting a positive intention out into the universe and letting it go. Kinda reminded me of aa and live and let god. Or the power of positive thinking. Help or that tik toc trend of “im so lucky”. Positive intent, hoping for the best and believing everything works out can be so liberating. Hope? Faith? Prayer? Intention?
I have so much to learn


I’m pretty consumed with my spiritual development right now as well. Can’t get enough of it. Amazing what a life in tecovycan bring us.


Brother…That was one helluva post
Got tears in my eyes. Well said. You are true inspiration :raised_hands: :sparkles:
Godspeed! :rose:


Thanks man! :raised_hands::muscle:

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Its been awhile since ive posted to this thread…

Ive made it to 10 months sober on the first and i have no plans of turning back. Doing a big book study with just me and my sponsor. She has found god. I am…agnostic still. Getting sober has definitely ignited my faith in a power greater than myself. Lord knows ive wanted to quit drinking for awhile but somehow it just stuck this time. Sobriety and AA has ignited this fire in me to explore my spirituality. Its still hard to explain my higher power. I say the universe, energies…but it came to me instead of trying to explain my higher power maybe i can explain how i experience it.

How do i experience my higher power?
Deja vu
Being in the right place at the right time
The chills, goosebumps when something resonates with me deeply
Yawning during the lords prayer rounding out a good aa mtg
Crying during meditation
A sense of peace
Feeling safe
I didnt succeed at my two suicide attempts

…thats what i can come up with right now. And thats enough. Thats progress :slight_smile:


Im still up…late on a saturday night. Today was a great day!

Woke up without an alarm about 7am. Checked in on TS. Did my morning gratitude. Went to therapy. Went grocery shopping. Had leftover stir fry for lunch and watched an episode of law and order svu waiting for the hubby to come home. Got bored and met my mom at the dog park. A lady commented on my Sober as Fuck t-shirt and shared she has 16 years! Boscoe had so much fun i swear he smiles. Hubby came home. Went for a walk as a pack. Spent some quality time with the hubby before he went to work. Made too much healthy chicken pasta. Called my sponsor and told her i didnt want to meet tonight to study the big book but im a woman of my word. Brought her leftovers and she had me read chapters 3 and 4 out loud. We had a good talk about God. Which prompted my post above. Had an energy drink about 8 and im still wide awake and its 1130. Tezting my cousin in hawaii. Sober cjp can still hang.

Im high on life. Im excited for good convos today. Im excited i found a deal on 2 kayaks for less than the price of one. Im excited im considering taking a 4 week salsa class. Man im living. Im so fucking greatful.

My life today is like a complete 180 from where i was april 30 2022. Im beyond greatful.


Congratulations on all of it @Cjp You have done it all one day at a time and I do know your way is to keep going forward! So proud of you! You changed your life around and have given yourself so much! Happy, happy, happy for you!


I love AA for it’s inclusiveness. A God of our understanding. So many versions of HP. I have many myself. All you need is a willingness to continue on. The people of AA are a version of my HP. Your journey of recovery is inspiring to say the least.


Thanks for your comment @LeeHawk i value your opinion


Well…went and checked out a deal on 2 kayaks for the price of one. They were a little beat up and there wouldnt be room for Boscoe. Hubby said yes but he wasnt gungho. I decided against buying them. Im greatful i didnt act impulsively. I gave myself permission to say no and im greatful i gave myself that grace because in the middle of a business deal i feel the pressure.

Not gonna lie i got excited about the possibility of exploring kayaking and being a kayak owner but my car doesnt even have racks on it. Maybe in the future i can plan to add racks to my car and be a kayak owner.

Saying no and feeling like i made the right decision.


I can’t discount the possibility of a higher power solely for the moment when a music note hits just right and vibrates my happy soul. That can’t just be nothing.

Salsa and kayaking both sound great. Isn’t it nice to know that a hangover won’t derail any of those plans. I’m contemplating a beginner’s motorcycle class this spring. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.

Thanks for sharing your lovely self with us. :heart:


Day 313 sober. Im overweight and a recovering alcoholic. I’ve lost some weight and am 2+ months into 12hr intermittent fasting and limiting my calories to 1350 daily. Im lacking in the exercise arena.

I finally bit the bullet and went to my doctor for fasting labs and a checkup. My liver numbers were good! All my results were good except cholesterol. My good cholesterol is low and my bad cholesterol is high. Doctor wants me to increase exercise and retest in 6 months.

I used to love working out and the endorphins. Im struggling with motivation. But this is the call to action i need.

I immediately googled what else, besides exercise, could fix my cholesterol problems lol. Im going to start taking omega 3s, keep with my healthy eating, and…increase exercise. FUCK


Good for you, friend! Glad you got blood panels done. I lost 40 pounds that first 7 months from using MyFitnessPal and walking outdoors everyday with my good friend and our dogs. It will all come together beautifully!