And it's goodnight to all

I can understand where you are. I was the same. Looking at what people were saying. About holidays etc. Because I was there myself. Same worries, same doubts. I didn’t believe it either.
Just take each day as it comes ODAAT, it’s used for a reason.


True enough. I’ll probably give it another shot. Just reading that and the AA Big Book at the same time is confusing. Such different perspectives.


Yes I can see how the two together would get confusing :blush:

How’s Erin? My 18yo just talked herself out of a panic attack. Teenagers are so fun. @Conor689908 did you get the trick or treating in with Rebecca tonight?

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She’s good thanks for asking . Was unwell for weeks there but she’s picked up a lot this week. Back to her usually funny cheeky moody self ! :grin:

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That’s a nice haul of candy there!

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She just went to go trick or treating with my nephews (6 and 4) & was worried about driving in the traffic. She just got her license a few months ago. Glad Erin is feeling better! Am I imagining or is it really late there for you guys?

Bless her panic attacks are no joke. They are scary I’ve had some in my time but not loads. But it really feels like you’re dying . When you say she talked herself out of one do you mean she managed not to have one by using skills she’s learning? X

It’s 11.21 pm so lateish but not really late x

Yes. That’s what I meant exactly. Years of therapy and CBT for her to get to this point. I’m so proud of her. She’s worked so very hard to get here. My 6 yo nephew absolutely adores her and she didn’t want to let him down. Now we’re working with the 14yo and her anxiety issues. Bless them… My girls got my anxiety gene. I’ve told them about my drinking and am praying that they never turn to drink to deal with it like I did.


They are doing great and you are coping great with everything. So good that you’ve been honest with them and all we as parents can do is hope they don’t make our mistakes or if the do then hopefully by changing us we can be there to catch them x

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Here in the US we use don’t use “sweets” as much when referring to candy. It’s used mostly to refer to all things containing sugar - candy, cakes, pies, cookies and baked goods that are particularly sweet. Sweets could mean a number of items. Just FYI. :wink:

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Anxiety was always my main motivation to drink

Most of those we refer to as desserts :blush:

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Think I’m going to have to say goodnight now I’m starting to drift xx

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Good night! Rest well. :heart:

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I’m with the same addiction, and I feel bad from all the time loosed and all the money wasted, but what can we do now? Change and be a better person, hoping that my brain is not damage haha

Good night guys been busy day, hope you’ve all had fun. @anon12657779 in case no one has told you today, Your fucking amazing.


Night Paul. Hope you’ve had a good night. Enjoy your weekend off :blush::+1:

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Another day gone and another one sober! Goodnight all. Thanks for just being on this awesome app!