And it's goodnight to all

Cus I got his name wrong back when he first came on here. And the different name thing has stuck.


Oh dear. Sorry you guys had a blow up like that. Youā€™re doing all the right things even if she doesnā€™t understand. Maybe, with time, as you change for the better sheā€™ll come around to seeing your sobriety the blessing it can be for your relationship. Well done not letting the argument trigger you to another relapse. Stay the course & know we have your back. Hugs :hugs:

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Howā€™s your day going

Big hugs to you Paul. I kinda relate. No one who is not addicted to something will ever understand our struggleā€¦ But I think it is important that we ourselves understand it. :blush:

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Sobriety teaches us so many life skills, once we have found peace in ourselves it becomes easier to find peace and forgiveness in others.

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Itā€™s going along just fine. Glad itā€™s Thursday!! Just trying to stay busy. Keep getting drawn back to TS though. :wink:

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Been here most the day as you can tell, gonna be more productive tomorrow but its good to chill once in a while, recharge the batteries, me and the phone. Feeling any better now?


Glad youā€™ve gotten some down time. Thatā€™s usually a good thing. As for me? Iā€™m ok. Just have 2.5 hours of work left. Gotta get back to it. :blush:

Day 4.95 weed and alcohol, mentally and emotionally its been a productive day, normally with what I have experienced today I would have called it stressful or annoying. Iā€™m going to leave you with this thought. IF YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE.


I love this! I just watched the YouTube video. Wowow. Thank you so much for sharing it. :+1:


Our song is being sober and I canā€™t get bored of listening to that.

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Itā€™s really powerful isnā€™t it Julia, I loved it !

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I nearly forgot. Day 5.95. Today Iā€™ve learnt that life is gonna be a bitch. And do I really care, no because Iā€™ve been able to control my thought process, itā€™s gonna take a lot more than anger and sadness to make me drink and smoke. And Iā€™m not homeless or in prison or in the pub. When you can get to the end of the day and you sit in bed and look back, you wonder what all the fuss was about. With a little help from my friends. Be strong beautiful sober people.


Right now I wish I had your same attitude. Being able to think good thoughts. My mind has been going in a thousand directions today. So glad you posted this because it is helping me right now. I really have to do this for me. No one else.


Day 6.86 gotta do this early busy later. Work is defo where I am most vulnerable but when crap things happen I accept that drink and weed is not going to stop that situation from happening. I also need to stop talking about prayer to people, my opinion is not everyoneā€™s opinion. Some people look at me like Iā€™ve finally totally lost it. Opinions are like arse holes, everyoneā€™s got one and everyone elseā€™s stink. Be strong.


As far as Iā€™m concerned you can keep talking about prayer here. I donā€™t think youā€™re crazy at all. Your opinions are as valid as anyone elseā€™s just like everyone has one. Soldier on friend!

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7.98 going strong, sort of, very stressful day, even got told I gotta go talk to my boss tomorrow cos I got my phone out and started taking pictures of how shit everyone was working and what a state the place was, got reported for it. She may feel different when she sees the photos but meetings with bosses normally go bad for me as yep you guessed it, I canā€™t keep my mouth shut. Letā€™s hope this new found calmness can hold out. So I am sober but did have 1 smoke. Not great but thatā€™s only 1 in 8 days, thatā€™s a personal best so Iā€™ve got a new target to set. Iā€™m not too disappointed, cos I would have got pissed after a day like today. Night guys.


Good night Paul.
Have you ever seen this? In fact, sure I sent it you before!


I get you but I work in a care home for disabled people and when I see that they are not being cared for properly I will not accept it on thier behalf and I will attempt to change it. That might sound blunt but I donā€™t know how else to say it.

Thatā€™s great Paul. Iā€™m not saying anything about that bud. Thatā€™s a good thing mate.

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