Another hit

I have relapsed every day since leaving inpatient rehab on Dec 24. I reset my clock again hoping this te it will be different. I wonder if I am ready to make the changes necessary to get and stay sober. Any tips/suggestions would be great


Are you resolved that sobriety is something you actually want?


Welcome! This place saved my life.

When I started this journey…I started by being active here. That lead to me joining a recovery program…

To what extent are you willing to go?


I do want to get sober but I keep waiting/putting it off for some reason


Welcome Christina.
It’s really hard work.
Until I knew I was absolutely ready to make some changes I couldn’t do it.

Here’s a great thread.



I’m willing to put myself out there and change my environment. I think that would at least help


The idea of sobriety is a far different thing than the reality of living it each day. Think about how you will make it through tomorrow clean…


That, for me, was huge. I changed people, places and things. If it had to do with alcohol…it was gone. I can honestly tell you…i miss absolutely none of those things.


I haven’t been sober in years and that had not even crossed my mind. I often fantasize about getting sober but haven’t seemed to be able to walk it out. That’s a good strategy, I’ll try it


That’s encouraging. I worry about being alone the most so I really have to hold myself accountable for getting involved in a program and with it’s people


There are so many programs out the…AA, SMART, Recovery Dharma…just to name a few. Try them all! Lol. I went to AA for about 4 and a half years. One of the benifits (besides being sober)…the friends I met. Friends that know what I am going through.


Do you have any idea why you keep putting it off? I know for me admitting that I have a problem was a huge turning point in my recovery. Once I admitted it and accepted it, my will to stay sober was strong.

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What would need to happen for you to hit rock bottom? Does that really need to happen? Do you want it to happen? What would it look and feel like? Maybe try giving that some serious thought?

These are just thoughts.

Find a support group that you feel comfortable with and that works for you?
Sending good vibes and energy :heart:


Didn’t the rehab prepare you for re-entering back into the real world? You need a plan to get sober. Structured routine of some sort. I can’t believe this wasn’t discussed before you left.


What structure did the rehab suggest to keep you sober after you leave? Do you go to meetings?


I guess I’m a little scared of getting sober and what’s going to come up. Making a mountain out of an anthill

The thought of getting sober freaked me out, I was terrified. Drinking was the only way I knew how to live. Looking back, I actually laugh at myself.

It makes sense to feel that way. When we get sober we drop that one thing that we used as a crutch to get through life. What helped me…first day sober I started writing a list of all the destructive things that happened when I was drinking.

It was a really long list. It solidified why I need to stop.

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