Anxiety and Drink

My drinking is out of control, once I start I can’t stop and it’s destroying my life. My anxiety levels are through the roof and I don’t know how to deal with this. Just recycling bad thought after bad thought


Welcome Jon :wave: We have all been there: the endless addiction cycle. It’s time to break the cycle.

You’re here, which means you are looking for solutions. There’s lots of good threads to read here - lots of people on the same journey; you’re not alone.

This thread I found helpful in my early days, for its resources and links:

Resources for our recovery

Have you looked at a recovery group? AA or SMART Recovery, or a similar group. Personally I have found my group helpful (as well as Talking Sober).


Welcome Jon! Sounds like you’re ready to get off that merry-go-round. Surrender, get honest and seek help. That anxiety you’re experiencing is being fueled by alcohol. I’ve been there myself and I can promise it does get better the more sober days you get under your belt. Wishing you the best on your journey.


Welcome here Jon. If you are really tired of life being unmanageable you have come to the right place. AA Meeting would be a great start too.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

It’s nice to have you with us.



I am 34 days sober and anxious and depressed too :rofl:

BUT at least I am sober. I have and trust in God that by taking each day one at a time and being sober just for that day…over time as my brain and body heal my life will get so much better!

You can do this if I can.


Welcome! I’m sure you know alcohol increases anxiety, but it really is amazing just how much it makes everything worse. At the very least, it makes it impossible to know what is coming from what. Quitting drinking means you know the baseline and can deal with what is really happening. When I was on that hamster wheel, I was sure I was drinking from stress from work, loneliness from lack of time to do things for myself. Now I have stopped drinking, I am managing to work far more than I ever did before, and have time for hobbies too. And I can look at and deal with what genuine anxiety or stress I have.
What have you done to quit before? Just wishing and hoping isn’t enough (I did that for decades). A regular schedule of things to keep you focused on recovery is key. There are plenty of ‘quit lit’ books, or podcasts if you aren’t a reader, that can teach you about alcohol in detail and help you focus on quitting. We are here to support you!


Really glad you’re here, Jon. When we’re done, we’re done. Sounds like you have a case of the restless, irritable and discontents… Damn anxieties about everything suck, and then these intrusive drinking thoughts too.
So, we all had options on how to get & stay sober and several of them were mentioned previously. Just please remember none of us do this shit alone and you’re already doing the hardest part by asking for help. Hugs friend and stay the course to be free again!


Welcome :smiling_face:. I’m so glad you found this place. It sounds like you are just like so many of us were…. Sick and tired of being sick and tired! This place is amazing. Stick around and lean on us. Together we are stronger. Be gentle with yourself. I look forward to seeing you around :pray:t2::heart:


You are here, and this may be my first ever reply to a post on here, but I promise it won’t be my last. This place offers so much insight as to what we have all been through, its amazing to be part of this. Trust me when I say “this too shall pass” I promise it is absolutely awful at first, but the right track is just a step away.
We are here for you. Cheers everyone!


Been where you are, I now it sucks.
Being here is a first step, you just made that one.
Admitting you having a problem and looking for help.
Take your time to chime in here. Read around, there are so many good threads to read here. I will share you some:

Resources for our recovery and our daily check in thread: Checking in daily to maintain focus #67 - #1246 by Just_Laura
That daily check in thread was a big one for me. I was there every day the first year of my recovery. It helped me to stay focussed in my recovery. Feel free to join! It’s a very surportive and acitive thread.

See you around! :raising_hand_woman:


Welcome Jon! I too had exactly what you are describing. Not only did it pretty much rule my life, but when i thought i was having a good day… BAM!!! Out of nowhere the cycle began again… I can tell you that taking alcohol out of the equation does SO much to reduce it. The anxiety is most of the time reduced to just a thought and without the cloud of alcohol masking your brain, you will be “able to handle situations that baffled you.” That is from the AA Promises. I can personally say that this promise is realistic. Find a group, talk to fellow alcoholics, get active in a group and read. There is so much available which at one time was not to us alcoholics. And most of all turn it over to Him. We have no control over life. That idea alone made a huge difference in my anxiety. Hang in there bud… It can get better if you get into a group and do the work! God Bless!!

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