Checking in daily to maintain focus #67


I learned in school 1838 is the year that Belgium gained it’s independence from The Kingdom of the Netherlands. In Belgium it’s the year their war of independence ended, after they began their own independent state in 1830. There’s always at least two sides to things. Try to look with open eyes and from different perspectives.

I make an exception for addiction. Staying in active addiction is never good and all bad. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. I will, and I have one day of experience work before my weekend’s here. Love.


Good morning @Mno :sunrise_over_mountains::sun_with_face:

Big smile catching your post this morning :smiling_face:
Love the morning pictures and glad to have caught it today.

Have a lovely day and hope it brings you happiness and joy.



@DanaM56 it’s never too late for a congratulations! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
And a whole year sober that is realy one to applause for!! Well done! I have given myself a big back tattoo when I reached that milestone. Have you give ore do something to celebrate?

Day 2100 :walking_woman:
I like my numbers today :blush:
Busy days lately, but I handle them by just focus on the day I’m living in: today.
2 weeks before holiday, so working towards chill time. My hearing is still bad for a month now but it doesn’t influence my mood much this time.
I do not let it because that doesn’t help :hugs:
Sound easy, but it isn’t ofcourse.

My orchid is blooming very beautiful. It reminds me of my mom. I put a brench with Orchids in her coffin when she died. She passed away 19 years ago. Still miss her.
Today? Work and tonight my kids are visiting.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you! @SoberWalker no not yet. I’m not sure what I’m going to do to celebrate.


It’s 10pm here and I’m just finishing day 73 of being sober. Tomorrow we head out on a family vacation for 6 days. This will be my first sober vacation since my drinking became a problem in 2020. I’ve been doing so well at home with a drinking spouse and drinking guests. But I’m worried about this vacation. Worried I’ll convince myself that I’m ok and can moderate. I’m telling you all this so I can get it off my chest and stop worrying. Anyway I’ll keep checking in during my trip. Thanks for being here.



For as little sleep as I got, it was a pretty good day. Thunder cracks woke me early but I wasn’t even mad. It was unusually calming for something so fierce. I realized I don’t remember the last time I saw a thunderstorm during the day. Is there a reason they happen more often at night? Or is this just some weird timing phenomenon where I live :thinking:

Tomorrow is Juneteenth and there’s no school. I’m not working either, so I’m planning to take my daughter down to a small town on Lake Ontario for the day. It’s only 20 minutes north, but the air is always a few degrees cooler. It’s kind of sad we could always swim in the lake years ago, but now it’s a 50/50 chance the beach is closed due to contamination. Why do we hurt our planet so? :earth_americas: :pleading_face: There is a sweet splash pad, workout trail, and multiple playgrounds in the park across the street, so we’ll have something to do all day. Just hope I can get moving early enough. I am getting sleepy already, so that’s promising :relieved:

Hope you’re all having the best day you can :blush: Enjoy the journey :purple_heart:


Well if you find something share it with us if you like. I hope that raises the pressure to treat yourself :wink::sunglasses:

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It helps to tell the people you’re with you are not drinking so they do not offer you one.
My favorite trick in the beginning of my sobriaty was telling people I was on antibiotic and wasn’t allowed to drink with it.
Now I have a longer stretch everybody knows I do not drink.
Have a lovely holiday! :raising_hand_woman:


Day 66

Trying to take a nap before the 4 hour drive to the music festival, but can’t sleep (currently1:30am). Leaving in a couple hours. Wish me luck friends, I’ll be sending you all good vibes :pray:t2::heart: so grateful for this community. Appreciate all of you!


210 sugar
74 UPF
81 gluten
60 dairy
22 overeating

Today I want to spend lots of time in the sun. I’m going to make a trip to the water side, ride a ferry to the modern port and explore the area there. It’s going to be a day trip. Relaxing Yoga in the afternoon, and a Dharma meeting in the evening. I’m growing fond of them and it’s a great way together with gratitude to conclude the day on a good note.

Let’s go for peace, kindness and
freedom today friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 361.working 7-4 today. Got a long list of things to do as I’m off next week.

I can’t wait to be off for a week. Could do with some time off the computer screen and get outside

Monday is my year anniversary, it’s been a quick year. It was so hard to initially stop… So now I just need to keep going. I will go for a walk and meal on Monday with my wife and reflect and focus on the future again.

Tired but OK. Focused


Checking in day 93 with a weird feeling as if I’m an imposter. I’m doing things that I couldnt do when I was drinking, mostly because of an enhanced confidence, memory and a determination to make up for lost time.
It feels like I’m acting how I think I should be as someone who doesn’t drink. Maybe it’s just a fake it till you make it thing? I don’t know…

  1. Aching arms and glutes for my bodily efforts :rofl:. I have a body balance class, then a pilates class immediately after. Then, I’m going to do some reading of Atomic Habits today, a bit of journaling and a breathwork session. Sun is shining, and I have the ingredients to make a nice turkey kofta.

Have as good a day as my :bear: cat is having on top of the door frame :woozy_face:


Checking in. The last time I used this app, I was 23 days sober. I haven’t used it much since, but here I am checking in at 44 days sober. I’m still enjoying all the benefits of being sober, but one of my main takeaways from being sober is how much I don’t enjoy going to the pub. I realize that I needed to be drunk there to enjoy the mindless, drunken chatter, which is a big eye-opener. It’s also hard not to have a beer after a rugby match with the lads, but I’m always proud the next morning when I wake up fresh while the lads are dying from hangovers.

My only issue is weight loss. I’m 44 days sober, training most days if not every day, and seriously watching what I eat and tracking calories. My weight, although it started to drop at first, is now stuck at 17 stone or 238 lbs for those across the pond. It’s very frustrating. You quit drinking and increase your fitness, thinking you’ll lose all this weight and look like a different person overnight when, in reality, it all takes time.

I may not see the results I want, but I can definitely say I feel all the results I want when I wake up fresh and feeling healthier.


Sending you good vibes back. Remember you are sober , you dont drink…if that addict mind pops up. Were in your back pocket if you need us. Have fun!!

Who are you most excited to see?


Ive felt that imposter feeling before. You are close to a big milestone and sometimes things get tricky around milestones. Youve earned all of those 93 days. Just take the next right indicated step


This right here!


Thank you so much :face_holding_back_tears::pray:t2:

Hard to choose one, but probably Dom Dolla b2b John Summit, and Seven Lions :raised_hands:t2:


Ive never heard of any of those lol


Thanks jaz. Yes ive tried calling some doctors and no places can get me in until august. Little silly if you ask me, im trying to find a place that does walk ins. Im not sure if its my peck or what, it doesnt hurt or feel stressful on my heart but yes im absolutely getting it checked out. Atleast if anything does happen while im at work im in a good place :sweat_smile: