Anxiety from first day sober

I’m 13 hours sober from alcohol. I feel anxious and keep over thinking everything and things I did wrong and where I made a show of myself etc. I need to shake this feeling off and tell myself forgive and forget and start living my life with better choices.


Congrats on 13 hours!!! :partying_face:
Sometimes we need to break it down to hours or even minutes at a time to start racking up the days. It will be worth it.
Can’t change the past brother. Can only change how we tackle today. Keep soldiering on. :muscle:t2:


Congrats on your 13 hours and starting a day one Dan.
Gratitude is a great anxiety tool. I’ve read how powerful gratitude can be and how our brains cannot handle both anxiety and gratitude at the same time. That’s why I spend a lot of my time here Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5
After years of gratitude exercises reading it writing it living it, I’ve completely retrained my brain. C’mon over and join us if you like. What have you got to loose.


Thanks so much for the messages. I’m feeling a bit better now less anxious


It’s good to see you Dan. The only way is forward friend. One day at a time for all of us.

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I can totally relate to the anxiety/shame that comes with the memories - I find it helpful to remind myself that I’m not defined by the past, and can have a better future by learning from it!


Treat yourself for the first three weeks. Pasta, pizza, sugar, things you like things that make you feel good. Dont be hard on yourself. Your only goal is stay sober right now it is super hard. Good luck brudda. Everything gets better and easier.


You GOT this, Dan! I am working on day 5 and making it a priority to finish today strong. Then, onto worrying about tomorrow. :black_heart:


Thanks for all the messages. It has been a great support and comfort reading them. I’m coming up on 2 days now almost and feeling a little better.


Welcome. :purple_heart:
Absolutely focus on what you want to do or become rather than what you don’t. The more you follow your values the more self esteem you will have. Self esteem comes from esteemable action. So make effort to notice what you do right, and that includes choosing soft drinks today.