Any advice on getting sleep?

Do any of you have any tips or tricks on falling to sleep? I don’t want to take melatonin or sleeping pills. I have a supplement that is magnesium, valerian root and passion flower that is supposed to help but all it does is knock my anxiety down a level which I appreciate. Yesterday (I suppose actually this morning) I slept from 5:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. then had to work. Tonight’s heading down the restless road as well. I have all the sleepy time teas. I’ve put lavender on the bottom of my feet. Anything else I can try?

Melatonin is au natural and non habit forming. You can also try getting a very hot shower before you go to bed. And sleepy time tea


Melatonin can be helpful sleep support. Its a supplement to our body’s own sleep hormone.

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Definitely a hot shower and hot tea work for me. Putting away my phone and instead reading a book before bed helps too.

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Thank you all!

I have a negative thing with melatonin so I don’t want to go down that road. I’ll try the shower. Sleepy time teas are delicious but no sleepy time comes. I tried guided meditation also last night and it ended up getting on my nerves after 20 minutes. Ha Tomorrow night I’ll break out a book.

I expected disrupted sleep but was hoping there was some magical information floating around out there with one of you. I’ll just hobble around saying “braaaaaiiinnss” for awhile until zombie stage is over.

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You said no pills, I used unisom for the first week and it worked very well for me.

Aside from that, regular exercise, no naps, only drink water and grin and bare it. It will pass.


Unisom worked for me too! Like any medication, moderation is key.


Yoga nidra can be helpful if you can find one or two on YouTube that you like and don’t annoy you. I find it works for me some nights, not all. Sounds like you are doing all the right things.


I’m 60 days clean of opiates today and sleep is still a bitch!!

I’ve got Melatonin 3mg but just not sure wether to take them or not?

Am I the only person who liked to take ALOT of tablets but now scared to take anything!?!?

They gave us melatonin when I was in rehab so I was comfortable taking it once I got out. It took me about 5-6 months until I could sleep normally without meds

Also took a 3 mg tablet, and still do sometimes if I can’t sleep.

And yeah. I am also trigger shy with any pills, especially for sleep. Focusing on healthy sleeping habits took time but helped tremendously (and when not sticking to it, kept me up all night).

Nothing sleep aid wise helpped for me. I did both chalomine tea, melatonin and work physically all day and none of it helpped. Id say the best thing i did was try to make a routine and went to bed same time every night even if i couldnt sleep. Id shut the lights off watch tv and try to. It got alil better every 30 days until as derek said 6 months i was getting good natural sleep.

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Have tried to drink warm milk that use to work for me. If you are have any anxiety and depression, I was prescribed medication it as well as a very low dose of a medication that helped with going to sleep. Maybe you should talk to your doctor.

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