Any advice to help me on my sober journey

I’m new here and I’m looking for advice from people who maybe have been on there sober journey longer than me or just have any helpful tips for me. I’m 22 years old and I’ve been abusing alcohol and drugs since I was 15 to numb myself. A few days ago I decided it was time to get sober, I’m officially 3 days clean and it’s been a difficult ride so far, I’ve been trying to fill the time I used to spend on substances with health habits instead. The only difficult thing about that is there’s only so many walks I can go on and books to read. Any advice would be appreciated.



Thankyou so much for your kind words and the advice, I’ll take it on board and use it to keep moving forward.
Really appreciate the support.
Brad :heart:


Welcome Brad.
Congrats on day 3 :boom::boom::boom:
There’s lots of great info around here. Have a good read around. Keep an open mind. Take what you like and leave the rest.
Here are two good threads to start:



My best advice is don’t give up!
Even if everything sucks and the entire world is against you.

Things can get better.
One day at a time
Before you know it you could be the best person you know.

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Hey ,

Thankyou so much for the advice! Really appreciate the support :heart:



Thankyou so much! Will defo have a read around when I get off work this weekend :heart:

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Thankyou so much, really appreciate the support :heart:

Woot woot welcome here and congrats on your journey. First i had to admit i had a problem and then i found like minded ppl which was AA meetings n this community. They gave me suggestion and it was up to me to put them in action n do some foot work. Read, watch tv, call other alcoholics, exercise etc. I had to stay busy no matter what. Just continue to reach here n if you go to in person meetings get you a sponsor (when your ready n one you click with). Congrats again

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