Any Advice Welcome


I have been an everyday user of marijuana for over 7 years. I feel like there’s a thick fog in my brain from the years of abuse. I know they say you can’t get addicted to weed, but I feel like I am. I’ve been wanting to quit for months and unable. A couple days ago I hit my breaking point and threw everything out. I have to take a break. I have to clear the fog. I want to be healthier and I don’t want to rely on something like weed to make me feel happiness. I need to get sober for my wife so I can be a better partner for her. I want to lose weight and stop being a sedentary overeater. I need to let myself make this major change.

I am open to any and all advice around how to curb cravings and stay motivated. Thank you in advance.


Weed isn’t my DOC so I don’t have any specific advice about getting clean from weed, but there are lots of people here grappling with marijuana; if you search “weed”, “marijuana”, “THC”, or similar related terms you will find many posts from people who have been exactly where you are.

Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave:

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Hi and welcome here,
I’m addicted to alcohol and this app helped me a lot with become and stay sober. I think you can be addicted to every mind altering substitute including weed.
Good that you trow everything out, do the same with dealer numbers if you have them. And it helps to avoid passing the spots where you used to buy it as well as the people who use it.
Another tip: be here as much as you can! It will keep you focussed and you will learn a lot about how addiction “works” and how to beat it.
This app kept me sober for almost 6 years now, but I’m here almost every day.
Have you seen the daily check in thread? Check it out! It helps to keep yourself accountable.

If you have any questions, just ask! :raising_hand_woman:


I have no idea who told you that you can’t be addicted to marijuana but one sure is certain: it’s a huge lie. People lie about this in order to avoid facing their own addicted mind I think.

I hear you on the fog side. I became paranoid, I was so angry in the morning when I woke up. Everyone assumed that I wasn’t a morning guy as we say in french. After I stopped smoking all day long I had no anger problem in the morning anymore. That was a surprise to be honest. The fog cleared out, that unexplainable blur in the head that I hated so much.
About that happiness part, did you feel joy at the end ? I didn’t. Just needed that joint to be at a regular functional level. It didn’t bring any kind of joy for years. Joy will be back, and a real one this time!

It’s not easy because yes it’s a drug and you’re addicted to it, but it’s doable. Stay focus. Yes do it for your wife! I lost mine due to my addiction(s).

Be patient, it takes time, stay focus and strong and don’t hesitate to participate here, lots of people have/had the same problems :facepunch:t2: