Any aussies in the house?

Anyone else still around?

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Still walking the halls.


Brisbane guy here!


Obviously been a very difficult time the past few days with what happened at Bondi so hope everyone is doing ok.


Iā€™m not from aus im from UK but in intrigued about sobriety in aus. Do people accept it? Like UK alcohol is part of your culture so just interested in knowing more

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We are an absolute society of piss heads. It is so normalised itā€™s not funny.


I feel like UK is becoming more self aware and bored of the drinks. Old gen sit in a pub so they donā€™t feel lonely. Youngest gen go out weekends student nights to meet people.
Everyone else (24-65) has gone off it so the majority of society is slowly getting bored of the alcohol scene.
Canā€™t speak for all but Iā€™ve worked in bars and been told his for a few years now and noticed it.
I wanna visit aus but donā€™t wanna get into that scene again

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Itā€™s pretty horrific, sadly our mental health system can only do so much to help people :pensive:
I try not to watch the news a lot but my partners kid was pretty upset and we are on the other side of Oz.


Iā€™m Australian born of English parents and lived in the UK for many years, it is very similar with the drinking culture in my opinion. But like anything what you seek is what you will find, there is a big recovery scene in Australia none of which I knew about while I was drinking.
We have a 17 year old in the house and their whole group isnā€™t really into drinking much where everyone I knew was getting drunk at that age :woman_shrugging:
I think they are also very aware of everything been filmed and their appearance in general and getting messy isnā€™t desirable.
Visiting would be not problem as we have loads of stuff to see and do :relieved:


Bottle shops always busy hereā€¦ people are drinking at home alone or while socialising online like on PlayStation. I think alcohol is worse than ever, because itā€™s hidden more now.


Spring is just around the corner my friends


Sure is.
All of a sudden days are getting hot again. Weā€™re expecting 30+ by Monday.


Crikey. How about humidity up there?
I can totally understand why so many Victorians are retiring to QLD, Iā€™ve honestly had a runny nose for 2 months+ down here. Sick of the Winters.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f yeah

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This winter body was not ready for the summer heat of today! Mother nature cannot spring this onto me without enough warning to prepare for it :laughing:


:raised_hand: about as Aussie as they come

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Welcome aboard mate

Glad to be here. Cheers bro

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How are we doing Melbourne? These 140km winds are a bit much hey. @Aussie_Tiger @Fittycal35

Yep. Windy as :wind_face:

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