Any aussies in the house?

I was up near the Peak District, I miss the hiking opportunities but not the weather :joy:

I think nearly everyone thinks their culture/country has major problems with alcohol :grimacing:
There’s also huge recovery scenes when you look, I just wasn’t looking before I got sober…

London has alcohol free bars (or they did before covid) :ok_hand:

Melb and Central coast rep here

Just keeping this space relevant.

Bye for now.

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Australia’s drinking culture is so ingrained in society that a massive portion of the population are high functioning alcoholics.

I have only told a handful of people that I am no longer drinking, because I can just imagine the scoffs and snide comments I will get from many when I do tell them.

It’s time to cut the cycle off for our next generation of adults…….


I agree there’s a lot of so called functioning alcoholics, I was one until I quit work just before I got sober as I wasn’t coping and it seemed easier to give up, “thankfully” (I realise now it was needed) I spiralled so quickly out of control that I hit a place where I was forced to make a choice to keep digging or get sober.

To be honest this has never happened, I also thought it would but most people really don’t care or are curious, if I’m out somewhere I don’t worry anymore and rock out with my can of Coke Zero :metal:



The link took me netflix then back to this app. What was the show youshared please?

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Im a kiwi. Been here just under 23 years


I agree. Apart from the occassional “omg so what do you do to have fun??!” :woman_facepalming::joy: when I (rarely) tell people that I don’t drink alcohol anymore, I find people suddenly feel the need to justify their drinking… ‘oh yeah, I don’t drink all that often’ , ‘I rarely have more than a few’ , ‘yeah, I don’t drink the amount that I used to anymore’… :sweat_smile:


Im out Jimboomba way to meet my 7 week old grand daughter. Tomorrow.


Oh wow congratulations! I hope it’s a lovely visit with lots of baby cuddles :two_hearts:

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Hi melburnians :wave:


G’day from Queensland! It’s good to know that fellow Aussies are on the sober journey too. I fully immersed myself in the Aussie drinking culture for 30+ years and now it’s time to come up for a breath of sweet sober air.


Hi Elyse, hope you are enjoying the glorious weather today.

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Over in Perth here :wave:


The weather is glorious! About to head out to an outdoor gig with some kombucha and strong willpower. Its nice to feel comfortably sober even with such hot weather :blush:

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In melb today its gonna be a shocker! 38 ekkk! Over night it was so hot here. Waking up this morning i feel like im in qld the heat is no joke at 7am :hot_face:

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Yeah it’s going to be intense. Slip slop slap!

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Some pics from Melbourne last night and my Tarot spread for today


Awesome shots :open_mouth:
I have no clue about tarot but it always looks interesting :smirk:

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