Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

Im a fantasy and action reader. Lately I’ve been reading Reclaiming Azuria: The Legends of Roth’tai.


There are lots of trackers out there. I used to read Goodreads but I don’t like reading reviews before I read the book. Now I use Reading List.


I use goodreads and enjoy seeing what my friends are reading, but wish they used a ten “star” rating system. Hah. I’ll check out reading list, had not heard of it👍

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Here’s the icon screenshot. I got really frustrated using Goodreads because I would have a new book to add that I was really excited about and would get distracted by reviews of people who hated it.


I hear ya, I try and avoid glancing at the goodreads reviews. But sometimes it’s tough and I get to scrolling a bit lol.

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The dark tower series from Stephen king is incredible :heart:




Just started Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro…so far, I am hooked!

Signal Fires on Good Reads


Ooh it sounds good! Let me know how it is!

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I like christmas presents like this …


I’ve just gifted the first episode to my English teacher.:smile:

We had his calendar for 2022, but, unfortunately, there wasn’t any for last year.

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I’ve just started Fairy Tale from Stephen King. It begins with someone doing the 12th AA step with the protagonist’s father. :grinning:


I just picked this book up I love it so far. Sorry if this is not appropriate it’s just what I’m reading right now thought I’d share


Have you read Factotum? That is probably my favorite from Bukowski. I also liked Post Office a lot. I know what you mean about possibly feeling triggered by his writing. But from what I remember he does a pretty good job of talking about the negative consequences from his drinking or Maybe I was reading between the lines.I haven’t read Hollywood. I will have to see if that is at the bookstore next time I go.


I don’t know if I’ve read Factotum but I really liked Post Office and everything else I’ve read by him. I used to read a Bukowski when I felt out of control with my drinking so I’ve read a few. I’ll add Factotum to my list.


You guys know SK is a recovery addict right? It pops up lots in his books. Makes for
a comfortable experience reading him, for me personally. Read the first part of “On writing” for his account of his addiction.


Tried for I think the third time to get to a Richard Powers book. I just can’t. He reminds me of how I used to want to write as a teenager. Just too much fluff and too many alliterations. And I say that as a lover of rhymes and alliterations and all that stuff. I defo have a soft spot for cheese.

Anyway. Giving Dani Shapiro Inheritance a go thanks to inspiration from this thread! :purple_heart::boar:

How do you guys devide between audiobooks and actual reading? I feel like if it matters to me, I wanna read the book. If I’m just trying it out or it might not be a life transforming experience but I still want to enjoy it, I’ll listen. You guys do that?


Your book is absolutely appropriate for this thread @Jftself . :slightly_smiling_face:

Love On Writing @Faugxh . When my husband and I were into the coke and one of us would nose bleed, we would call it an SK moment…ala clean up your mess, him typing away with qtips shoved up his nose…addicts. Also love how he weaves the generational addiction from The Shining thru Doctor Sleep.

I am also a Bukowski fan @trustybird @bluekoolaid , tho I need to re read now with sober eyes and mind and see how he reads with that clarity?!?


I know it’s been a minute since you posted this. I just started it and I have to read it in little doses. Though his addiction story is quite different than mine, some of the residual life experience, little and big t trauma are really tough for me. He and I are the same age and I think our parents are the same people. :roll_eyes:

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