Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

This book!!!

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

TW on abuse, foster care, drug use, more.


I :heart: Barbara Kingsolver. Are you liking it?


I sure am!! It is sad, but honest. And set here in our neck of the woods, Appalachia.

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Getting further in Demon Copperhead and need to add a big TW for drug use, sex, drinking, and more.

It’s a stirring novel, truthful, but hard… be forewarned.


Honestly with Appalachia and trigger warnings like that you’ve sold it. I think I’ve read everything else she’s written.

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Im reading Truman Capote a collection of short storys


It is my 1st book of hers, so I am excited for more.


Let me recommend The Bean Trees,
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and
The Poisonwood Bible. :heart:


Currently reading Still Missing. It has so many shocking moments but is about abduction and abuse so could be triggering


This book is great!!! I love the way it is formatted, it is easy to refer back to when you are wanting to meditate on a specific goddess. @SassyRocks it might be something you find useful and fun.


Oh!! Thanks for thinking of me. I took some classes (dream/Jungian) that focused on Goddess work way back…so you are spot on! Adding to my list! :slightly_smiling_face::purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m finally free to read what I want again. :raised_hands::raised_hands: First on the menu is the new Ian McEwan Lessons which is about a suddenly single father coming to grips with his mid-life in the mid 80s and atst classic McEwan also about an article of European/German history, the White Rose. Parallel listening to a Colm Tóibín Brooklyn that comes on as a v traditional novel that pulls you in nice and strong. What stands out about this one is how it’s not cringe at all although written by an old man from the perspective of a young woman. That’s a sign of real mastery for me personally. Not read any by him before.
Also listened to Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel about Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII that was a bit more contemporary in style which went v darling with the Renaissance subject, can recommend.

Hello everyone! :books::books::boar::coffee::candle::couch_and_lamp:


Also reading! Half way through, very much enjoying it.


I enjoyed it immensely, tho ‘enjoy’ isn’t the right word for such subject matter. She truly captured so much of the current American Experience, heartbreaking, bittersweet.

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Just started with “The mountain is you” by Brianna Wiest :star_struck:


One reading project for 2023 is to get back to philosophy. I read Descartes in December. January is Spinoza, with Kant up next. I’m not trying to read everything, but at least one or two books by the philosopher and a couple secondary works. Seriously, who has time to drink anymore?


I just bought a copy yesterday. :heart:

Current reads. One for every mood. They aren’t important works but they feed my soul and my desire for escapism better than booze ever did. I read 119 books last years and started a new New Years Eve tradition of picking up kids books and graphic novels from the library to ring in my new year with lovely words and pictures. :blush::books::heart:


What a wonderful new tradition! Plus, you keep track of books read…literally never crossed my mind. I may do this! Thank you!


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