Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

I was just looking at Braiding Seagrass yesterday…hmmm…


It was written by a Native American scientist and in the first chapter I am learning about why nuts exist, in case that sways you. It is lovely.

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Oh look what arrived yesterday. The final instalment. If this kinda rings a bell, Netflix made the first book One of us is lying into a series. Not bad on screen, but reading it was definitely better!


I read the first one and liked it. I’ll add the second book to my library list for tomorrow.


I did a big library haul on my Saturday off and couched, cooked cleaned and read 7 of these beauties.

Today I start this one.


Have you had the opportunity to read any of it yet? I really enjoyed her book on Neptune and her approach to addressing the energy of that archetype in our lives and would love to know your thoughts if you decide to share them in this thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Soberbilly Her books were published in the 90s, but there should be somewhere to snag one, if you eventually decide to read her Jupiter book. Your rising sign is the part of you that others meet first of all; that first impression and how you come off to people before they get to know you. That’s nice that it has good synergy with your sun sign! Your rising sign also rules your whole birth chart, so you can kind of consider it the colored glass that the light of your soul and personality is filtered through, if that makes sense. Enjoy your astrology search!

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Haven’t had much time to read lately. I’ll have to get back to ya on that. :wink: I found @Soberbilly a copy of Neptune on Half Price Books a few weeks ago. :raised_hands:t2:


Woot Woot! :heart:

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My most recent reads, which were all great. The main character in Hidden Pictures is a recovering addict so that resonated with me. Just finished The Only One Left a few nights ago and I still can’t stop thinking about it.


So excited to read this…its the first book not about addiction, alcoholism, or self help that I have read since I got sober…lol


Just finished this last night. I loved that the pov was from a child and was very convincing. You’re also left to determine whether the main characters sister is possessed or suffering from schizophrenia, as it’s never clarified in the end. Loved it.


Are you looking to start keeping bees ? X

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We are! Nextvspring


Oooh how to sell a haunted house and the only one left are on my next to read!

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About to embark on this sci-fi :sparkles:


Exciting. I’d love to keep bees but don’t even know where to start. Where are you in the world?

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I live in Michigan. This book is pretty basic. I need to find a group, and tey to get some on the job training

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Man! You know when you pick up a book and it happens to come into your life at the perfect time? This book is what I needed to be reading on this my 546th sober day.


I read recently that this book would be Guillermo del Toro’s next animated film!!

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Not yet. Soon i hope.