Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

Ah a Sagittarius! From what I’ve gleaned of you from the posts you’ve made, I think it would be an enjoyable read for you overall.

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Aaaah. I’m curious about Juipiter being your ruling planet since Venus rules Taurus. With astrology that could be a rising sign or final dispositor, though most people don’t know too much more than their sun sign, so thats my first go to in casual conversation. But there are other areas of focus outside of astrology where people can have assigned ruling planets. Is it in an area of study outside astrology?

Irregardless, I think it would be a book youd find interesting. :+1:t2: The author expands out beyond just astrology and we all have Jupiter in our chart that acts out its archetypal energy in our lives.

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Oh wow, an old classic!! I loved all the old ones.

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Me again :blush:
I’m not stalking ya. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Just got to the airport and doing my thing on here.

Anyway. …… not a book. But have you seen, Steve Carell in The Patient on Hulu? If you like psychological thrillers this one is insanely well done. Not sure if it’s a book too.

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Hahaha I don’t mind at all, I’m actually bored just waiting at a doctor’s office :sleepy:

I haven’t seen it, but I was actually looking for something to watch while I walk on the treadmill! I know, walking outside it’s better but I’m not planning on melting with this heat!! Haha
I’ll check it out, thank you for the recommendation :heart:

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Taurus is a wonderful sign. Still think you’d find the book interesting. She also wrote a book about Neptune that you might enjoy as well. We all have these planets in our charts and they embody certain archetypes.

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Just received my copy a few days ago. I’m Piscean, ruled by Neptune. Looks like a good read. :blue_heart::purple_heart::heart:

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My planet is pluto

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I totally neglected my reading because I found a great podcast by an Italian historian (more precisely, he’s a medievalist, though there are lots of topics not related directly to history), Alessandro Barbero.
But as of Mondey :crazy_face: I’ll continue reading Crnjanski’s “A Novel of London”. I read it in its original language (Serbian), so I really can appreciate not only the beauty of his thoughts, but also the richness of his sentence. I hope the translations are good.

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I’m sorry, @Soberbilly I think I may have bought the last copy of The Book of Neptune on Amazon. But here it is at Half Price Books… :wink:The Book of Neptune - Waram, Marilyn - 9780917086847 | HPB
I’ll have to check out Moonly.
Enjoy your weekend! :heart:


Someone gave me a new book today. :two_hearts:
Can’t wait to dive in!


I have the Grammie version. :slightly_smiling_face:

But this is my fave…

With this a close 2nd…

Also a fave…but when read by Werner Herzog…


I own this and am waiting for the perfect time to start it. Maybe this week.

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I am currently reading Danny Trejos autobiography. Its good he goes in depth on how he went from prison and drugs to being active in recovery. Its definitely worth a read


Not an avid reader but Rhonda McKnight is An amazing author. What kind of fool was a great book. I started reading another of her books got so mad slammed it shut and never touched it again lol.

Current reads. One for all my moods.


Loving Braiding Sawgrass…it and my tea hour. :seedling::revolving_hearts::hugs:

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I’ve been waiting for the right time because it feels like I will want to savor every word. So far it reminds of World of Wonders which is also wonderful.

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Poetry? …got turned onto Naomi Nye.
A taste…how many worlds do you live in?

“Many Indians say they live in two worlds, but they actually have to live in more than two worlds. If you live in one world you are pretty much stuck in one place. Right now, I am living in the cab-driving world, the sober world, the Indian world, the art world. The more worlds you live in, the better it is.”


I love this sentence. :clap:t3:

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