Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

I’m reading my electric bill. Does that count


Is it a horror story?


Yes, in a sense. I just noticed the electricity provider has been over charging me


I also found The Gunslinger to be kind of meh the first time I read it, but the ending was interesting enough for me to try the next book in the series. I ended up reading them all and I can say that they do get better, with books 2, 3, and 4 of the Dark Tower series being the best (imho).

It was only after reading them all and eventually rereading The Gunslinger, that I found the wholdbbook more interesting, but even then the approach remained a little lackluster for me, event hough, overall, the series became a favorite of mine.

I’d say give the next book after Gunslinger a try and see if it grabs you. They’re not really ‘horror’ like his other books like his other books though.


Day off so I built a book nest and have pizza coming to me. I’ll start with this. I picked it up on a whim and am pleased to find out it is about addiction and womanhood. You can judge a book by its cover.


I might give it a try. I was just so unimpressed with it, I couldn’t wrap my head around how the book became a best seller. Just because it had his name attached to it, I suppose.

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The whole “other worlds” and kinda time travely idea was good, but the first book didn’t really convey it well. The first book definitely dragged for me, but I really liked the following books. 5-7 weren’t as good as 2-4, in my opinion.

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Recently read Lucky Man by Michael J Fox, have his other 2 books as well but havent read them yet. Also Matthew Perrys book Friends Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing.

Currently reading the first Hunger Games book. Late to game lol never read the trilogy so looking forward to those and the prequel.


Got it as a gift for a friend but going to read it myself first :+1:

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I LOVED it!! Shared it with a friend already…she keeps texting me passages she loves. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Currently reading One Of Us Is Lying. Basically a teen drama/murder mystery. It’s pretty entertaining. Totally could be made into a miniseries.


I read the Shining and Pet Semetary in my 20’s and they both really scared me. Tough one for you w a birthing cat in the house.


Lol! I’ll wait to get to that one then!


I’ll tell you what I do not recommend reading in early recovery is 1984 By George Orwell… that is a bad idea!


VERY Bad idea indeed. That book had me spinning mentally years ago - i can’t imagine reading it while trying to get sober!


Already done. It’s on Netflix. But read the books first. It’s a trilogy, I’m currently on the 3rd and last book of the Bayview series: One Of Us Is Back.

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No way?! Make sense that the book series is so popular right now then

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There are also four stand alone books from the same author. All young adult fiction - I read them all, I liked them all :+1::books:

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I’ve read a few of the James Patterson & Maxine Paetro collabs, really enjoyed them.

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I like his novellas the best, I think. He has a collection called “The Bachman Books”. There was a peiod of time where Stephen King wrote under the pen name Richard Bachman. Cool stuff.

I didn’t dig “The Langoliers” though…the book or the TV movie.

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