Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

OOH - let me know what you think when you finish.

Just finished The Light That Failed by Rudyard Kipling, currently reading The Human Stain by Philip Roth


Rereading Ready Player One Lots of texts and Journal articles too.


Great book :slight_smile:

Amazing book. I see is also on Netflix now as a series. Will finish reading it first, but it’s beautiful :heart:


Loved that book! Will be interesting how the movie goes.

One of my all time favorite reads.

I can’t watch the Netflix version because that book is so perfect in my mind. Enjoy!

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Kinda feel the same. It’s a beauty.

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Ooof. I’m sure Netflix will handle it well but I just can’t chance that.

Edited: the sound of ooof is me touching my heart and shaking my head back and forth with a smile on my face. Partial swoon?

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I am in awe! She is now one of my heroes. I highly recommend this book.

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Shonda Rhimes’s Year of Yes is the audiobook I’m listening to at work. So many thumbs up. Motivation for a badass new year. Highly recommended. :muscle:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


OMG so excited to read this. Thank you for the recommendation. I do love her to begin with – looking forward to reading.

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Just a heads up that it’s sad. Also, there is a lot of cussing in it. I highly recommend the audiobook because viola Davis reads her own memoir. She received a Grammy for her performance reading it.


WHOA - that is lovely - i will most definitely get the audio book - thanks for the heads up. I do follow her and love her raw truth and bluntness. :heart:

She is amazing and so happy to hear you’ll give it a listen!

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Too much into most situations…

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Ha! I was going to ask if you were okay or if this was a cry for help but I will just say that this is also one of my very frequent re-reads. :wink::sunglasses: Constant almost.

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I’m good (ish), it was just the first thing that entered my brain :face_with_spiral_eyes:… Nice of you to care though :smirk:

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I am boggled with how long it took my brain to understand this very funny thing you wrote. Goodish here too.

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