Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

Laura Nsafou - Nos jours brûlés

An afrofuturism trilogy. This is tome II :hugs:


Jist starting The Nix by Nathan Hill. I loved his novel Wellness, so giving his first one a try. He has a very stream of consciousness/conversational tone that draws me in.

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I still don’t have nice covers since I read on a kindle, anyway I’ve finished this one

Sad, but full of hope too. Addiction is the beast

And I’m starting this one


I’m listening to the Perry autobiography on audible at the moment too!

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Just got my copy of Mathew Perry’s book… looking forward to reading it


It’s pretty good, if not slightly self indulgent in a few places. But I find an autobiography should be by default. He’s also unafraid to go and say the ugly stuff. Enjoy it.

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I would have never considered reading books before I could never concentrate on them but have been reading game of Thrones the past 6 days and I am really getting into it


Currently reading: The Four Last Things by Timothy Hallinan.


Next up: Split Second by David Baldacci.



All men should read this book. Periods are totally normal but they can F@@king hurt. The hormones just take things to another level.


Enjoying listening to this one.


After not being able to focus well enough to read for a long time, I just started two books at once that are so interesting that I cannot wait to continue.

The Seven Ages of Death by Richard Shepherd: I think it can be triggering for some, but otherwise a very gripping description of the human body through the stories of a pathologist.

The Lonely City by Olivia Laing: nicely put description about the depths and struggles of loneliness and solitude combined with references to certain artists’ artworks and lives.


Unusual title but a great bass player.


Just started the second book in the Fourth Wing series. Got to say, this is some popular garbage. Decently fun world and story, but plot holey. The romance in it is too graphic and characters are completely unbelievable and unrealistic. Blatantly miss wildly obvious signs, adults that act like tweens.

Don’t read it. It’s fun, but you’ll also regret it.


I read Co-dependent No More a few years back and thought, meh.
Today I am listening to it and it is really sinking in. :exploding_head::exploding_head: Wow. This is me.


I’m scared to. :grimacing: Which means I gotta. Maybe I’ll take it a chapter a week, or something?

Currently reading Women Talking by Miriam Toews. I’ve heard her do readings (not of this) and think she’s amazing.

Still have Signal Fires on my list from last year (Sassy recommended :point_up:).


I LOVE Miriam Toews. My favorite is All My Puny Sorrows but it is a dark one.
If you do dive in to Co-Dependent No More I recommend the audio version. Maybe now is just the right time but hearing it is sinking in so much better.
Signal Fires is being added to my TBR now.


Yes! I think All My Puny Sorrows is my fave of hers too. When I saw her read, it was from “Swing Low” (about her Dad’s death by suicide) and there was actually someone in the audience who, during question time, said “hey, your Dad taught me in school and he was a great teacher…”. They had a little chat, she recognized his family name, got teary, and said “this is a really cool moment for me…” :face_holding_back_tears:

I think you’re right about the audio version of Codependent No More. Prob earbuds and walking. Except I start talking out loud in response to what I hear, and could be muttering “fuck fuck fuck…”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also - what’s the name of the app/tracker you use for reading? That would be huge fun for 2024!


I still have A Complicated Kindness on my shelf and then I have read everything of hers. She is amazing.
I use reading list

Its straight forward, you can make a list for each year and I don’t get dissuaded by other people’s reviews (I’m looking at you Goodreads). :wink:


Ah, I will look that -reading list app - up…I just use notes for now and do it by year as I read so many crime series that sometimes I forget who I’ve read what I’ve read and where in the series I am.

For me in 2024:

The body keeps score

I’m the realm of the hungry ghosts

Two Russell brand books I’ve had over five years, recovery and revolution (so I can then get them promptly off my shelf and away…:zipper_mouth_face:)

I’ll also be listening to a lot of quit lit and general mental health podcasts and audible novels.

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I have read three of those (Russell Brand’s Recovery, not his other one). The Body Keeps the Score was a game changer for me for the emotional work of recovery.

To round out 2023 I’m going to finish The Starling House and Co-Dependent No More tomorrow.

First up for 2024 will be carefully chosen but I don’t know what yet. I’m a tad superstitious and need to be sure I’m setting the right tone for the year.

I love lists. I just downloaded a movie tracking app too. Mostly because when I tell people I watched or read something I need notes for recall sometimes. Plus a count is fun.