Any crystal meth addicts?

Wow, sounds like you all know my pain. I’m 13 days clean today. I spent 6 months in an intensive mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation center for combat veterans. I was hearing voices and thought people were out to get me. I was homeless estranged from my family for about a year. After three month out of the rehab my symptoms went away I got my own place and the addict I am said, man this is great maybe I can use again and I’ll be ok. So long story short used it all came back I used for about a month and hear I am starting over my symptoms are gone again but come back every time I use. It’s really no fun at all to use but my mouth waters even talking or thinking about it. I go to Celebrate Recovery meetings three or four times a week, read the bible, talk to god. I left a good job because I was getting high with my coworkers. I’m broke and tired as hell but I’m sober. Anyway thanks I need to hear I’m no alone. Praying for us all everyday.


Got busted with 31 grams last year so now I’m on probation and actively in treatment 2x a week and using less this year but still struggling to put the hot pipe down

I hope you can get through it man, that stuff has taken way to much from me. I will pray for you and your journey man.

Hello friend, I have 49 days sober. I was able to get my job back and things are looking up. I get discouraged when I read things like it takes up to 2 years for your brain to fully recover but at the end of the day I did this to my self… Alls I can do is take it one day at a time and the fact I feel a little bit better everyday is good enough for me. Hope this helps. Keep up the good fight and never give up there’s so much more to life out there. Much love

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