Any gamers? (Trigger warning)

I loved the first 2 Bioshocks, great atmosphere. Red Dead 2 was a masterpiece, and I never played Arkham Knight. I love playing rpgs mostly like Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, and definitely some Zelda and Dead Space on the side.


The Dark Souls games are next on my backlog!

I play destiny 2 on pc

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Be prepared for a world of hurt haha

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Great games!

haha I have been informed. I have a few games where I questioned my sanity. Definitely ready. But if you are into Batman I highly suggest those Arkham Games.

CS:GO is the only game I’m currently playing.
My favourite genre is probably RPG, or RTS. CS:GO is the only FPS I’ve ever really enjoyed because of the strategic component.
I spent countless hours on games like Dune 2, Command and Conquer Red Alert when I was growing up. Also Gran Tourismo and Tekken if I include consoles!

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Love CSGo. Been playing since before 1.6

These days I usually just play 2k though.

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I recently got back into gaming. I have found that I love strategy games, lately of the base building variety. This is no surprise since that’s what I loved to play before that was a term. I used to play the Command and Conquer games religiously, as well as Dune (maybe Dune 2? Can’t remember). I got back into gaming with Cities: Skylines. Since then I’ve bought 2 PCs, spent over 400 hours on Europa Universalis 4, 300 hours on Total War: Warhammer 1 and 2, other TW games. Then on to Surviving Mars. Now I can’t stop playing Satisfactory. It was a long road back to base building, but I just can’t get enough! 100 hours on Surviving Mars and now like 120 on Satisfactory, all in a very short time. I’ve come back home!


Avid gamer here too :slight_smile:
Been a favorite pasttime as long as I can remember. I like to try different genres every now and then as taste changes.
Right now mainly playing God of War (PS4), Stardew Valley (PC), Cultist Simulator (iPad) and Stellaris (PC).

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I feel like I’m super behind the times. The most updated system I have is an Xbox360. My brother-in-law gave it to me and I’ve been trying to catch up with the games I have there. Playing Assassin’s Creed 3 currently.

There just isn’t a lot of time to game with 5 boys and a business to run. If I do get a chance it’s an hour or two a week at 6 AM before anyone has woken up.


I just resub’d to WOW after 10 years. It took a few support tickets to find my old account, but I got it back! My level 80’s ain’t top dog anymore, got some catching up to do! :flushed:


Don’t laugh…Clash of Clans. My grandson got me hooked, but he doesn’t play anymore. I don’t think he really wanted me as his friend or on his team. I’m at the top of my clan now.


Bet he wishes you were in his clan now!

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Still all about Black Ops 1 on the PS3

funny I just beat bioshock 2 last week for the 2nd time. The 3rd one didn’t impress me much but it was entertaining enough to want to beat it

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I’ll check them out!

Have been playing bully and a lot of NHL 2017 lately on xbox 1. spend most of my pc time playing battlegrounds and csgo

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I don’t play very often anymore, but I’m otherwise really into building, simulation, and grand strategy games. I’ll try anything though. I like games requiring lots of details, planning, and creativity; less so games that demand more coordination and fast reaction times. If I ever play multiplayer, it’s gotta be co-operative, I can’t stand competition!

The most recent games I’ve played include Europa Universalis 4, Stellaris, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program, and Simutrans.


Can you please just delete my account?