Any green thumbs?

Also, welcome to the forum! I see this is your first post. Hope to see you around :+1:t3:

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These 2 are a snake plant and a teeny baby string of pearls… I can’t remember all the technical names…

Then there’s these…

And last but not least, my peace lily and the only one I’ve named so far… Persephone :blush:


Very cool! If you have pictures of that, send them along! I think your planting project is going to grow up nicely. You’ve got a nice sunny day there it looks like.

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There’s a lot of snow where I am too (Ohio) I started a bunch of vegetable seeds indoors- perhaps too soon- it’s kind of a crap shoot here…
I may have to replant because sadly they didn’t get outside fast enough… :expressionless: bummer

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I’m in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you have some really unique plants. When I buy a house (maybe later this year!) I am going to fill it with plants. I have zero space for more :sob: I think that curly leafed one is also a type of hoya - I’ve been wanting one for a long time. And the string of pearls :heart_eyes: so cute! My hoyas usually bloom this time of year but I think because I transplanted them and the like to be root bound I’m out of luck this year.

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Here’s what the blooms look like:


I had a giant snake plant in Arizona that I sadly had to leave behind. My car was almost completely filled with plants and my dogs when we moved LOL! I love those though. Yours looks sturdy and healthy. They practically take care of themselves.

It’s true, I have to fight the urge to water them! Wow, those blooms are so pretty. The curly tentacle like one I have never bloomed… it is a very slow growing plant that I’ve had for years now… I used to have it hanging and it got a little upset since transplanting, but seems ok…
Dogs and plants. I feel ya girl :white_heart:
And speaking of dogs, Persephone is a little beat up around the edges because Jasper (my GSD) likes to walk underneath the leaves like he’s in a jungle or something :rofl:

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Oh my god, my Chucho used to do just that under the schefflera, too! He’d kind of wiggle his butt and walk back and forth under it. I was constantly picking up dropped leaves. Sheesh!

Hahahaha damn dogs!

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This made me laugh!!! :rofl:


i was just in portland over the weekend and went on a nature walk. the greenery was beyond!


:rofl: I love it!!


The house we bought last year has this rose bush and I thought it was dead. It is not lol and it looks pretty and smells glorious. Wondering if I should cut the dead looking part or just let it keep taking care of itself


Removing the dead now would merely be aesthetic, but please yourself. Late winter, definitely remove all the deadwood and probably prune hard. You can’t kill a rose with pruning so don’t be shy. Hope this heips