Anyone else been sober for a while yet have dreams of using their drug of choice?

ive been sober for 103 days and i keep having dreams im smoking from a bong and it feels realistic. andnafter i do i have this huge guilt. anyone else experience this?


yea its pretty common. the good news is the longer you stay sober the less frequently they seem to happen. congrats on your sober time, keep at it :slight_smile:


Yes I be having dreams about smoking heroin off foil or shooting up

I have dreams that I’m drinkng and I’m SO relieved when i wake up and realize I’m still sober!


Yep nearly 4 years sober and I still dream about drinking!


The other day, i had a massive drinking session (in my dreams) . Later in the dream i had unbelivable guilt. My body belived it so much i woke up with what felt like a hangover!?

For me the drinking dreams were really common early on but have becomes rarer as time goes on. Im not sure they will ever go completely away though.

All the time.

This question has been coming up a lot lately. Based on all the responses I’ve seen on other threads, yes it’s very common. I’m definitely in the minority group, I’ve only had 2 using dreams in the past year and a half of sobriety.

Yes me as well

Yes! I have them every couple of months I guess. I hate them so much. Actually, I take that back…I’ve had one or two relapse dreams where I didn’t wake up feeling super guilty. Like I’m drinking again casually in the dream. Those dreams I really hated.

The dreams where I get f’d up beyond belief, ruin my life and wake up feeling scared to death it was real… those are a more accurate look into my future if I ever were to drink again. It’s like a built in crystal ball lol I try to use them as a tool in my sobriety.


Everyone has them at one point or another. We can’t control our thoughts. Only our actions