Anyone else on Day 1 today..?

I am starting over on day 1…people find it terrible to say…im glad to say it!!! It does take the courage by all means, and as many times as ive quit, i should be a pro at this, but im not thats for sure…Anyways, im here, i wanna feel 100% again, i want to have a clear mind, spirit, and body!!!


One day at a time. It’s not hard to stop drinking, it’s hard to not pick up again. When one day is too long, maybe try and cut it down in smaller pieces. An hour, until 7pm, then until bedtime etc.
When I decided to cut alcohol off my life, I soon threw away all the wine glasses, even the bottle opener had to go. What for? I live alone. I wanted to put the boundaries higher to get booze and remind myself that this is a non-alcoholic household from now on.


Hey, give yourself a tap on the back that you are here again. Looking to love yourself and take care of yourself. One day at a time.
Peace and love.


Its one hard ride. At least in the beginning. Have to stick on time.


I think im going to try this H123, i like what you wrote, doing some things you never thought youd do…working out at home…dug deep inside yourself and found your strength…i know i have it, i found it before, and i know i can do it again…i have to stick with it!!! This time, im going to change my eating habits as well…my body deserves it!!!:grin: Thank you for advice :heart:


Tonight will be day 2 I will finish. I could also use somebody daily to help be accountable.


Im going to be 48 hours No alcohol tomorrow morning. How you holding up?

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I am starting over today.


I’ll be watching you now :wink:congrats on 2 days, it’s so tuff at the start and your doing amazing :+1:


It’s already better than telling yourself you’ll try again tomorrow. Well done :+1:

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I have truoble fall a sleep at nigth. Im tired and everything, sleepy, but dont fall a sleep. Takes forever. Have to get up in the morning to send Kids at school, and normally go to work. If I dont work, I cant catch sleep during Daytime, I never could. Only from pass out drunk or really sick whit flu or something. So always so tired from not getting enough sleep. Any good tips?

Thank You.


My thoughts of worthlessness and not being good enough always keep me awake…

You are good enough and much worthy!

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Thank you, im trying to build my strength up and look at myself in the mirror everyday…i ended a negative relationship today that was way overdue…that was bringing me down…

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Sponsor?..I send mine a grateful list every night…that was her suggestion and I do it to keep me clean :pray::dizzy::pray:

Hey what day are you on now!

First day again here too. Need all the help I can get. Stopped 4 and a half years ago but now keep starting and stopping. Want to stop again permanently. Great to share with someone

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Good evening I’m new to the group. This is my 2nd day of not taking a drink. Usually when I get off of work I make sure I go to any liquor store to get my drinks. I would drink until I was absolutely crazy and out of my mind. Then I would eat my dinner and go to sleep and fell like crap in the morning and drag to work. This morning I woke up feeling great.

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Hi. Welcome :hugs:… I used to do that everyday after work for years, and then on my days off too which led to sick days regularly. Yes and then cook some sort of food for myself to think I would ease the hangover, but I was hungover everyday really, I’d look at the mess in the kitchen the next day of what I had cooked,Everyday is day 1… It’s one day at a time, :green_heart:… lots of support here…!..Checking in daily to maintain focus #39