Anyone have suggestions for a good book to read?

Memoirs are my favourites and the ones that made the top of my list are the ‘turnabout’ by Jean Kirkpatrick (the only book that describes hangovers so accurately that it made me nauseous.) and ‘a girl walks out of a bar’ by Lisa Smith. I’ve read both about 4 times each.
I think by now I’ve read almost every memoir so do let me know if you discover anything new!

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Thank you!!

Thank you! Thrift Books has become my best friend, lol, ordering off this website saves me a lot of money! I’m ordering your suggestions, as well as the ones by @Debbie Elerick now

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Anthony kiedis autobiography is excellent. Especially if you are at rhcp fan


I am! Thank you

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Here are some of the recovery books I have read…

Last Call by Nancy Carr
The Sober Diaries
Parched by Heather King
Unwasted, My Lush Sobriety
Blackout, Remembering the things I drank to forget
My Fair Junkie by Amy Dresner
Hopeful Healing by Mackenzie Phillips
Sober Truths, The Making of an honest woman
Saturation by Jennifer Place
Girl Walks Out of a Bar by Lisa Smith
The Naked Mind by Annie Grace
A Happier Hour by Rebecca Weller
High on Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips
Under the Influence by Joyce Maynard
Ice and a Slice by Della Galton
Memoirs aren’t Fairytales
Don’t Take With Alcohol
Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife
12 Small Things by Allen Burger
On Writing by Stephen King
Dry, Agustyn Burroughs

I think the Joyce Maynard one is a novel if I am remembering correctly. As an aside,her autobiography is quite interesting, At Home in the World. Her life is fascinating…tho not directly a recovery story.


@SassyRocks thank you! What a great list. I bookmarked it & cant wait to order several :+1:t3:


Codependency No More by Melody Beattie
I’ve mentioned this book in other threads but I thought one more couldn’t hurt. It helped me see how people pleasing, care taking and rescuing led me to aggravation which led to victimization which led me to entitlement which led me to addiction.


Great book!!

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High Achiever - Famous blogger Tiffany Jenkin’s story. It has her humor, but is also a deeply honest book. Highly recommend.

Wow! Now that’s a small library! Thank you for your help!

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I Keep seeing the name Sober Diaries popping up everywhere. Did someone make a show out of it too?

Hmmmmmm, I have no idea. Google to the rescue…

Looks like she also has a blog.

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And I totally forgot to add a great one…

On Writing by Stephen King.

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Yes! Oh man, so good. It’s a great writing book as well. I don’t personally believe I will ever write without outlines or a ton of pre writing work, but his passion is infectious!

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Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual by Jocko Willink.

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Mario Puzo’s The Family. Not addiction based or anything at all, but it was a good read.


There are lots of great books suggested already. An unlikely book to read about relationships is the Celestine Prophicy. It’s fiction but it has some great insights!


I just looked at the website “hip sober” (and follow her on instagram). I loved reading her posts and she also has a list of books she recommends as well as the reasons why and how they are relevant to recovery. Many of them are mentioned here but she also discusses some other books that are not necessarily alcohol focused but personal development.

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Thanks for the list, just on time when I’ve ran out of memoirs. Half way through ‘saturation’, pretty good so far.

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