Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

I’m sorry you’re going through that life draining :poop:. Hope today is a much better day for you :yellow_heart:


Sending you hugs and a big catpurr to shoo the boring a bit. Please feel nibbled, tamped, purred and miowed at :people_hugging::smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat:


I had kind of a sulky day today where I made sure to not have a lot of contact with my husband. If he can have a random moody day yesterday I can have mine today. Is this some weirdly co-dependent dance we are doing?

Anyway he is taking my distance and toping it with a heavy dose of manipulative (feeling) sadness texts. Which I am not appreciating. Its almost as if we are vying for victim attention. Gross.

I’ve been trying to fall asleep for the past two hours so I can be asleep before he gets home with zero luck. My co-dependent ass can’t sleep without him in the house. Sigh.


I’m sorry friend. Sorry you had a sucky day and sorry that you are getting these texts. I do hope you were able to sleep and get some good rest.

Sending you hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Another sleepless night. Tossing, turning and nightmares. According to FitBit I got 48 minutes of good sleep. At least I’ve got my medicine I’m sure it be way worse without it. Still haven’t heard anything from my son since he picked up his dirtbike title. Sigh. Going to be a long day with work. Just wanted to vent. Thanks for listening. :expressionless:


Sending you hugs and loving energy. Hope you hear from your son soon.
Positive vibes you way friend…glad you came here to vent :people_hugging::heart:


Thank you SO much Jazzy :yellow_heart: :people_hugging:


I put your son in my prayers ,I’ll put you in them tonight. I wish you a peaceful good sleep. I put some meditation music on with calming breathing podcasts it helps me sometimes… sometimes I throw my phone to the other end of the bed :woman_shrugging: Thought s are with you my friend @ trusty bird thought s and hugs sent to you too :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::people_hugging:


So. Wifey said she reached a new low this morning as I got up before she came to bed. I was feeding the pets as she walked in with her empty wine glass. I just said the good morning I love you thing we do. And I’ve actually had a great day since. Course I’m a bit bothered mostly sad and grateful for all the work I’ve put in to me at Al-Anon where I’m not angry or resentful or anything. She’s sick. There’s only one cure.

I’m so happy I’ve put the effort into fixing me. Cuz there’s no way I can fix her. Or anyone else for that matter. Nor should I.


Aw man, this is so hard to read, I can only imagine how hard it is to bear witness to. But the thing is, you’ve done all this work to not get attached to outcomes out of your control - and I see that! But still, I can wish - and hope - that it changes. For her first. And then for you both and your sweet fam.

In the meantime, I’m so glad you’ve got your tools, Al-Anon, your pets and kids and grandkids and don’t forget the Gratidudes. We love you and see you and are beyond grateful for you and your example. :pray: :orange_heart:

Fuck addiction. Fuck all the way off already.
Just sayin’…


Damn this disease. I’m sorry friend. Grateful that you are putting in the work in your recovery! Grateful for Al-anon. Hopefully her admitting its a new low may build in her mind (for me i added up the lows in my mind till I had enough).

Sending hugs friend. :hugs: :heart:


I’m glad you felt good today Eric because YOU deserve it :heart: I’ll pray tonight she finds her way through as we all are everyday​:pray:t2: sending you big hugs tonight :people_hugging::people_hugging:


Thank you so much Corine :heartbeat:


Well my son finally returned home after a week long dope bender. He’s all broke out and skinny as a rail. If he doesn’t go to work tomorrow they’re going to fire him. You’d think I’d slept better last night with him home but I was still awake wondering what kind of dumb :poop: he was doing with my head turned. I finally just said I cant help what he’s doing and fell asleep at about 2am and had to get back up at 430am. It’s been a long day to say the least. So thankful I got sober. :expressionless:


It’s to painful to watch your son whether he’s home or not.
I hope you can find the strength to let the natural consequences of his actions unfold the way they are going to unfold.



Thank you Dazercat. I do too.


You can still love him :cry:

I’m sorry you’re going through this kind of hell. It took me a long time, especially as a parent, to actually think of the hell my son and daughter went through. I was too busy playing the victim. Poor me. But now I’ve learn. They are the ones really suffering from this terrible disease. I found it very difficult to find compassion. I truly believe they don’t want to be doing this.


I know he doesn’t. You’re exactly right. What he’s putting his poor body through terrifies me.


My son’s girlfriend sent me video footage of him blowed out on Fentanol last night. Needless to say I got zero sleep. Going to be teaming up with her and my little sister who specializes in getting people into good rehab facilities today to make another attempt to try to save his life. He’s so far out there I’m not sure he even knows he needs help anymore. My husband is furious with him and has given up all hope but I can not. Thanks for listening. :pensive:


This must be extremely difficult for you. As a mom, we wish we could take all their troubles and pain away. All you can do is keep offering help without enabling. Hopefully, this next attempt will be the one he grasps on to. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.