Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

It sure is the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to face in life. I’m getting exhausted from lack of sleep and constant worry. Thank you so much Lisa :heartbeat:


I am so sorry friend. I can’t even imagine the mental and emotional turmoil you must be experiencing. I do hope that you all are successful in getting him help. The addiction is so deceiving and makes one believe that they don’t have a problem or that they are in control.

Big hugs to you and do hope you are able to manage some sleep soon. :people_hugging::people_hugging::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thank you so much Jazzy I sure do too. :two_hearts:


Im so sorry youre family is going thru this. I hope you can get him into a rehab and he wants it. You wanting someones sobriety more than they do doesnt get em sober

Sending strength and the serenity prayer wisdom your way


Thank you so much! You are so correct. :two_hearts:


Good morning SoberV

I guess it’s not a good morning for you. I just read this and was thinking of you. But scrolling through to find a “reply” I see your morning is shit. You don’t need my Al-Anon bullshit right now.
Fuck. I’m so sorry.
Don’t give up on him! I know you won’t. I didn’t have any Al-Anon back when we got our kids into a rehab. I know that hopeless chaos. Just call some rehab. Maybe someone at a good rehab can guide you in what to do. If not. Try another one. I have found some that take a hard line stance that they, your son, have to call themselves. But how can they? I’m so sorry you are going through this.
Sending you prayers healing thought peace whatever you want.


Thank you so much Dazercat. :heartbeat:


I can’t imagine how horrible it is to watch such video. Disturbing. Hurting. Helpless. Sorry @SoberVigilant
The only support I can offer is hugs and prayer. You are in my mind. Both. :people_hugging::people_hugging::sunflower:


It was awful. Thank you so much :two_hearts:


Update… My son’s girlfriend just called finally. She took him to the ER last night. They had to wait about 5 hour’s. By that time he had sobered up some and got mad and left. He’s refusing all treatment at this time but I’m going to be hopeful that someday soon he will change his mind. Sorry for the pitty party this morning as I was worried sick about him and still am but I’m thankful to know that as of right now he’s better than he was last night. I want to thank all of you for your kind word’s and prayers. That means so much to me. :two_hearts:


Not a pity party my friend…you were distraught over your son’s condition and the not knowing. Grateful that you came and let out your feelings and sought comfort/ compassion and support here. We are here for you in whatever way we can be. Sending loads of love and hugs your way.

I can’t even imagine what you must be dealing with and want you to know that we are here to listen any time you need.
Thank you for the update. I too hope that he would want to seek help soon.


I’m so sorry for all the turmoil your going through right now :disappointed: I couldn’t think of anything worse than watching my child go through this shit . I know it doesn’t help the way you feel but I’ll keep praying for you both and hope you can find some peace and sleep tonight :heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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