As a sober stand up comedian is it ok to joke about drugs?

Hello I am just over 18 months sober and started doing stand up comedy again and wanted to ask a question from the sober community about joking about drugs. I want make jokes everyone can enjoy including people in recovery and I don’t want to trigger anyone. Can you help me figuring out if I am offending anyone in recovery with this joke? Would it be inappropriate to say if I got booked for a recovery event? It’s on YouTube If you just search Leo Perez Comedy pool joke


Hopefully people in recovery know about rule 62. This would apply well here. Your a comedian. Your job is to make jokes and make people laugh. I say nothing wrong with that. Will smith would have a different opinion haha :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:


As long as its not a disabled black gay person snorting coke from the belly of a laboratory puppy I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it.


Hahaha :crazy_face: love it.


you can have that one for free :wink:


I won’t speak for everyone. But I know in the rooms we often make light of our own pasts. Don’t take yourself too damn seriously indeed!

Heard it said, we laugh because we can relate, we cry when we sense growth.


I make fun of my alcoholism and addiction all the time! Laughter is healing.


After watching :
:joy: its actually hilarious, the way you say it and you come across funny naturaly, i laughed :joy:.
I was a cocaine user and it didnt trigger me.
The nose video :joy::sweat_smile:


Hah your right Will Smith defended Jada like he was an addict and she was his dealer. Thanks!

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Darn, disabled black gay person snorting coke from the belly of a laboratory puppy is different joke I’m working on.


THANK YOU! This is what I was hoping to hear, I am happy you get it and aren’t bothered. THANK YOU FOR THE SUB!!

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Inevitably, as a comedian, you will offend someone. But I think there are certain jokes about addiction you could make that would probably be way more funny to people who are addicts than not because they have first hand experience.

My other thought is that doing the picking on the audience type of thing might be better left off though, because while I can laugh at myself and the dumb, shitty things I’ve done, some people just aren’t there yet so focusing a joke on a particular person might not go well.

Good luck and welcome to the community.


Fuckin squares! You seem very comfortable up there! funny too! I subscribed.

I started a YouTube channel in recovery. The road to 1000 subscribers to get monetized has been harder than I thought it would be.

I hope you have success in stand up, YouTube, and most of all long term recovery!


I think it’s fine. Brantley Gilbert is actually a recovering alcoholic but alot of his songs are about drinking. It’s almost a given that country songs contain that just like comedians have their job to do.


Drugs are not a joke.


Why not fuck I’m a raging alcoholic and I joke about it all the time,

If you don’t like it. Hey don’t buy a ticket next time right?


Yes I am expecting this, as a recovering addict myself I just want to be sensitive to peoples struggles and try and make jokes that all groups can laugh at. Thank you for the feedback!


Thanks for taking the time to check it out and leave some feedback. I hear you on the struggles of building a YouTube channel, thanks for the sub though! What is the name of your channel so I can sub?

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I actually think that it would be helpful! I would love to hear it!


Robin Williams was a huge inspiration of mine,

He joked about drugs and alcohol all the time, and he was a recovering addict and alcoholic

But guess what his shit was funny as hell, still Is.