August challenge 2023

Caught up on day 23 and 24.

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Day 25 done.

Day 27 done.

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You are always the one to end the challenges! I’ve been in and out but that’s better than the no participation the past few months :joy:
What does next month look like?

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I was about to tag you for today: rest day :crazy_face:

No, seriously, this months was obviously not attractive for people. Idk. I think I’ll finish it still also because my handstand routine I added (half of the sitting time) helped me a lot.

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I think the wall sits where just too much for me on my running days and I run 3 days out of the week. No run today though so I plan on doing yesterday, today😂

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I get that. Often have these problems when doing it in addition.
But I feel that this format is just not working anymore. I won’t put up a new one.

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I stopped because my legs were to sore after wall-sit and burpees and it was making evening-run to difficult.
I’m kind of focus on fat burning and this challenge was making me to tired but time wise I was feeling I’m not exercise enough.

Generally speaking I love idea of this kind of challenge. Hope we will have some next months🩵

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I totally get it. We should take some time away from challenges. Everyone always does the January one :crazy_face::joy: We can just wait for that month.


Day 29 done.