Day 3,4 and 5✔️

Day 7 is now complete :white_check_mark:

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Day 6 and 7✔️

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Day 8 - caught up today
Day 9 - rest day

:white_check_mark: :muscle:

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Day 10 completed today…hope to catch up tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 11 caught up
Day 12 complete :white_check_mark:

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Honey, I find it hilarious you were going to pass up this challenge and you seem to be the one on track… I have big plans of getting caught up this week…Gym a must for me today…

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Lol… thanks…yeah…I am for sure glad I (or I should say you) convinced me to do it… keeping me moving.

I am unable to do jumping and I saw challenge is 10 min long so I’ve been doing 20 min cardio instead (30 min so that it registers in my activity for Garmin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I am behind you :100:…you can catch up :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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As for jumping I cannot do outside of pool. I tried a jumping jack outside of pool and just stood there. Mind said YES Body said you are f*cking crazy… Just having the mindset to do a daily strength routine is so beneficial and I am experiencing results. Let’s keep it going!

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Day 8 9 and 10 complete. 75 minutes pool exercising!

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Day 11 and 12 complete. 2 hours pool exercising.

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You are doing great friend – :muscle:

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Day 13 caught up
Day 14 rest day

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Day 13 and 14 complete. Banking my rest day for when I just can’t do anything! 45 min pool exercises. I really felt the 2 hour workout from yesterday!

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Day 15 complete :white_check_mark:

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Day 15 complete✔️ 75 Minutes Pool Exercises.

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Day 16 is complete :white_check_mark:

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Day 17 completed yesterday
Day 18 in the books :white_check_mark:

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Heres my check ins for August so far. I had to take some time off while in rehab from April - June, so im kind of making up ground.

Keep pushing family.

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Great to see you Jordan! Keep crushing it :muscle:t4:

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