August wall sit challenge! Who’s in?!

Day 24 :heavy_check_mark: This shit is getting rough but no breaks today :partying_face:


Day 24 done, but at day 25 time :crazy_face: I was at the gym without my phone and went for 2:45. It’s starting to get real, isn’t it kids?


Nooo, I thought aka wished that day 25 was free :scream: see you later in the office.

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Day 25 :heavy_check_mark: Break at 1:07 left and then 27 left. I’ve noticed it’s harder for me with shoes on

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Day 25, chanting satsang and soothing my burning legs.

@Runningfree we lost some people on the way, it seems.

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I noticed that also. I found a few in the other threads that the wall sit hurt their knees and I’m not sure where the rest are.
No worries though! I’ll do all the challenges with you

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We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

Bill Shakespeare, Henry V

Maybe a little overly dramatic, but this is the feeling I get when meeting a challenge with a small, dedicated group.


O Lord. I need to catch up on my English :joy: but you are right. :pray:

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I’m crashing your wall plank thread. I didn’t join, but I do frequent wall sits in the HOTWORX sauna! Only 3 minutes, but 125 degrees (F). Yeah, I have a few screws loose. Oh, and did I mention this is at 6 a.m.!? :rofl::rofl:


Would it be crazy if I said that sounds like a good time! :joy: I’ve tried the hotworks and it’s ok. I felt like I could get dehydrated easy! I think I did a yoga class and she set it at 130 and was like feel free to add heat :flushed::thinking:

Day 25 done. And here’s a random Shakespeare quote.

Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds… Romeo and Juliet

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Haha wow I screwed this up…
Ok I did the 23rd but forgot to log it, forgot the 24th so just did it now with the 25th. Fisting pumping to tunes seems to get me through.

23rd done :ballot_box_with_check:
24th done :ballot_box_with_check:
25th done :ballot_box_with_check:


Day 26 :heavy_check_mark: break with 1:07 left and sadly a break with 16 secs left. Tomorrow is going to be hard but I’m trying for no breaks :grimacing:

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My colleague wanted to join for the challenge any I explained her how to do it properly from physical therapist point of view. Gosh, how happy I am not having to discuss this with patients knowing all better. :see_no_evil:


I think the challenge is doing it everyday. If we tried I’m sure we could all do the 3 mins once but it’s the every day that’s really the kicker. My quads are feeling it! I did some push-ups on my knees at pt the other day. I’m still suppose to do them on the wall though :roll_eyes:


Day 26 done with a bit of loud singing. So good.


The 2 sets in one day yesterday were super hard. I am not going to miss a day again lol.


That’ll learn ya!


Day 26 done :white_check_mark:. And before I let my head swell…

Billy Shakespeare says

Small things make base men proud.
King Henry VI

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Thank you for replying to my Gratitude post you reminded me to do my wall sit. I heard your words ringing in my ear…" That’ll learn yah!"


Aug 26th complete :ballot_box_with_check: