Away for the week

Yeah, the crazy part is that I’ve never been big on sweet foods - I’m more of a salty snack/fried food gal. But I guess I was used to getting sugar from my alcohol/mixers so my body was trying to find some balance.

Lol exactly, trying to replace it with fruit but all I want is chocolate.

How’s you do last night? Did you manage to slip away from the bar? Tough situation, but you did good by planning for it with this group!!

That’s tonight, still a little anxious but I’ve definitely planned a lot :slight_smile: I will let you know how it goes.

Good luck tonight!! You’ve got this… and you’ve got us!


Gabe is 100% perfect. Most relapses don’t happen bc we are weak, they happen bc we are unprepared.
Plan, plan, plan. Know what you’ll do at every chance alcohol could be present, then have a Plan B. Also have an Exit Strategy in case something you didn’t plan for arises.


Thank you all for the support and advice it means a lot :smile:

I’ve been eating chocolate as if it was going off the shelf :joy:but whatever it takes to stay away from drinking…, I’ll worry about the candy and stuff later lol

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Lmao exactly, gonna see if having dark chocolate helps (I forget who had mentioned that :sweat_smile: )

I am not a fan of dark chocolate yuck lol

Haha xp I am in small amounts, but I would prefer white chocolate :smile:

If you are not ready to tell people you are sober right now you can always tell them you are on some anti-biotics and your dr says you should stay away from alcohol at the moment. I mean if you really need an excuse, me personally i would just say i don’t feel like drinking today, which would be absolutely the truth lol

I know how it feels to turn down free alcohol. When i go to my local supermarket there is always a lady there by the alcohol section giving out free shots of whatever is on special that day. I want to flick her off and throw away all of her “products” lol but i dont i just imagine it. One time she asked me if i wanted a free sample and i straight up said “fu** no!” and walked away lol that was probably rude as hell but it made me feel better haha.

Goodluck tonight. You can do this. We are all here for you.


White chocolate is my fav ! So is the limited peppermint chocolate for the holidays! My weakness !

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Thanks man. Lmao that’s awesome, they have those at the grocery store I go as well. Haven’t been since I quit though.

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Lol I agree, I just found out there is a Lindt chocolate store by my hotel, probably going to stop by there before I leave.

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Hey u popped into my mind while I was in class just now lol u should look up and see if there are any meetings near you in case u need an escape for an hour or so.


Thanks man good idea. Meeting with my coworkers in about an hour or 2.

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Back at the hotel now, left at 12am. Zero drinks consumed and I had a good time :slight_smile: I offered to be the dd for anyone who wanted to leave early and that was my excuse for not drinking. People had said to me “why don’t you have one drink it will be fine.” And my response to that was “have you ever seen me only have one drink? Cause I haven’t.” It’s was a good way for me to make a joke but also say no at the same time and after that no one really questioned it. It was still difficult not to drink though, any time I could smell someone’s drink my mind would be thinking of any excuse to get one, I had to clench my hands and hold my breath to make sure I didn’t order a drink. This was a huge success for me, I am so thankful for all of the support and advice that was given to me, I don’t think I could have done it other wise.
You are all amazing, and again, thank you.


So glad to hear this, congrats! I’m going to a wedding tomorrow and I’m nervous about it so this is good inspiration.


Great job, well done.

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