Back on track (again)

Day 8
Today was a good day.
I bought two professional carbon steel frying pans (woop woop). I’m a lazy cook but since I have more time on my hands in the afternoon I thought, let’s give dinner some more love and attention.
After dinner I had a convo with my son, about his life, his interests and his ambitions. I am so freaking proud of him and love him so, so much. He is studying at home because of covid, so we are together a lot (as I also work from home).

Another thing I noticed is that I’m sleeping better. I’m working out, setting my alarm early and am therefore more tired. I didn’t have any hangovers in a week! :pray:


Day 10
I just calculated that I saved quite some money and kCal :fearful: I do eat a bit more now, but I won’t get even close to that amount of kCal! And no Uber Eats delivery in 10 days, so even more money and calories saved.


That last paragraph rang true with me Naomi!
Whiskey in my coffee at work.
Hidden booze at home so it didn’t look like I was drinking that much.
Always making sure the empties were tidied away at work and home.
I buried a few can once at work when I was building a wall.
Imagine my concern when we dug them back up doing something else, the boss was digging with me.
Another time I had hidden a can and the bosses wife found it when she was looking for something.
I blamed the Tennant.
Life is so much simpler without all that crap now!
Well done on day 10!


Haha, blaming the tennant :joy:
But yeah, life is so much easier right!


Day 11
It’s 9.30 pm and I just drove my son to his friends, I’m so happy I can do that now.
At the gym I have energy like I never had before. Lifting heavier, and cardio isn’t killing me like it used to. I have so much more energy.
For work I decided to enroll in a 6 month course for team coaching. I was postponing it for months, because I felt I didn’t have the energy and time to do something like that. Now I can finally do it, I’d love to learn something new!


Naomi, we have the same story, except my children may be a bit older. At least half a box of wine a day, all day drinking, during work, and usually a full pack of cigarettes. In 10 days, I have saved over $200 dollars, and that doesn’t even account for all of the takeout/carryout I would order for me and my kids. It is just crazy.
I wish you continued success. And I pray that each day continues to get easier for both of us if we just continue to do the next right thing. Happy Friday!

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Imagine what you can do with that money! It’s so bizar. I never really realized how much money I spent on that BS. Im so thankful that all the aspects of not drinking gets clearer and clearer.
Sobriety is the best gift for ourselves AND our kids! Wish you all the best! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Day 14
Sleep improved even more. I’m cleaning a lot and trowing stuff out. Also planning my week ahead again, that gives me head space. An empty house and an empty head!
I’m not really thinking about alcohol/sobriety much these days, maybe it will happen again, maybe not. We’ll see, for now it’s going well.



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Day 15
I’ve read it a lot on TS, but now I too had a dream about drinking. I was trying to convince myself in my dream to sneakily get away from friends to drink and smoke sigarettes. Luckily I woke up in time though :sweat_smile:


I’d read about them on here before I actually had one.
Still didn’t stop the horrible sense of dread I woke up with.

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Day 23
These three weeks went by fast without too much trouble. But yesterday I felt doubt. I ran into an old friend who I didn’t see in quite some time, he said: “let’s have a drink next week, come visit me”. He doesnt drink excessively but we used to have a few good glasses of wine together. I got so melancholic…
It was the first time in three weeks I got doubtful. I thought it through last night and told myself I will meet him but I’ll take some AF drinks with me. I will stay sober, but yesterday I got a bit scared to see how easy I could drink again!

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Well done Naomi.
These things are going to hit us from time to time. They still get me occasionally.
Just ride the feelings through knowing that you will come out the other side stronger.
Congratulations again.

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Still after almost two years huh, good to know… :zipper_mouth_face:

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Yeah, but it really isn’t anything like what it was back in the early days.
Majority of the time I don’t even think about it.
It’s almost like the way I know I’m a man, or married? I know I’m sober and why.
But it doesn’t stop the occasional thought.

I felt the reasons for being sober melted away that moment. Hopefully it will get less in time. It’s a process…

Day 28
I felt proud to tell my son today that I didn’t drink for 4 weeks. We had a talk about alcohol and what it does to your body. I am so blessed to have him and I hope to be an example to him.
This week I also went for diner with a friend. She was a bit snarky about me still not drinking (“do you have a problem or something?!”). I reacted quite defensive and wanted to make her look like a fool for needing a drink to relax. She drinks rarely though. I need to calm down about it, not feel attacked. I don’t want to tell everybody and their moms about not drinking, but need to be prepared for questions.
Overall I feel good. I have some panicky feelings about ‘never drinking again’, but tell myself it’s all about not drinking today.


Congratulations :confetti_ball: 28 days is good work.
Excellent work :+1:
You’re doing fine. Softly softly!
It will feel a bit awkward at the moment in a social situation like that, where we feel intimidated.
Just remember that you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone.
Your life, your choice.
Don’t let it wind you up. It’s them that have the problem.

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Congrats on your progress! I can relate to you. I spent years thinking I could get this under control and last week I decided I couldn’t. I went to the ER for alcohol detox then spent 5 days in treatment. I’m focused on really quitting this time. I appreciate this forum and the ability to talk to people I can relate to. Glad to be back.


Definately our life and decisions! I think not drinking is also intimidating to others. But it’s their choice to feel that way. We feel good without booze :muscle:

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