Bad moods Inc

So pushing 23 days here. Can’t complain, but man I have to focus hard to not be in an overall crabby mood where everything bothers me. No PAWS yet, but man this surly mood sucks.


It really does. I was such a cranky person in the earlier stages of recovery. Like everything pissed me off and made me irritable. I did find too tho that PAWS effected me about a week before by milestones. And ur nearing 30 days! Yay!! Way to go! Wondering tho if maybe its hit u earlier too? Just a thought

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Possibly. When I quit 7 years ago it was an onslaught about 3 weeks in. Hallucinated, night terrors, anxiety… a year and a half ago I had none, but I was smoking weed to offset the alcohol cravings then.


Maybe its the Leo full moon bringing out the beast in me but I have been feeling pretty gnarly myself. I snapped out on some of my relatives on facebook, I’m just not in the mood for jokes this week, if that makes me too sensative I guess the gas-lighting will continue :roll_eyes: LoL I’m usually just fine being a little grumpy, might be PAWS… I’m 5 days away from 8 months. That anxious feeling of not knowing how to celebrate is setting in :neutral_face:


Congrats on the 8 months bro. I’m still not close to comprehending most things being fun without booze so I can’t imagine trying to celebrate a milestone.


Thanks :relaxed:

I felt like that early on, I’ve kind of changed my mindset a bit about that. Peace and quiet has become its own reward, our 8 months falls on Vday so I’m going to treat my wife to a nice valentines dinner, I normally dont cook. Celebrating is what you make it, w/o drinks I feel much more present, that itself has been a blessing.

Hope you kick the mean streak!

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I came here looking to see if anyone else felt angry and shitty and I at this point hate people and started to think that I don’t need friends in life… all I could see was motivational posts, while I’m pacing around angry and crying. Wasn’t sure if it was just me …


Oh i feel it. Its not a real good place for me to stay though. I did that too much as a drunk to live pissed anymore, i have my days, and i throw my tantrums, but like i say, i try not to live there anymore.

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Think i spent the first month emotional but the second month was my angry point, i was one angry little woman! I think its perfectly normal but just a phase like any other…ride it out because it does get better

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So I’ve done some basic research and science says it takes at least 90 days for our dopamine receptors in our brains to start firing at normal rates once we get sober off our DOC. Hang in there. There’s no true quick cure besides healthy living or certain antidepressants which I personally have no desire to take.

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This thread might be more your style. I posted a few times early on, but it didnt align with my energy. Dwelling on negatives puts me in a bad head space.

Something for everyone around here.

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We all have those “bad moods” it’s part of being human. Give yourself a break & keep up the good work :blush:

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Hi I’m new to the community and I had a question… does it ever get easier in terms of being angry or having a short fuse I don’t even have my first week down but I just feel like I’m always angry or pissed off :sweat_smile: is this a sign of withdrawal from coke?

It’s totally normal. I’m so glad you joined this community. Anger and frustration led me to relapse many times, unfortunately, so I had to start to figure out how to live life on life’s terms. I did that by participating in my local AA, The Luckiest Club, this forum for additional support, and lots of reading on emotional sobriety. Tons of resources here. I’m happily at 23 months freedom from alcohol, haven’t craved a drink yet, and even in hard days I have a sense of peace that surrounds me. I owe that to my recovery programs. I have heard incredible things about CA, so maybe check that out for specific support with your DOC. Welcome to the community.


Yes! That’s a great thread. And then you could do a 180 and check out the gratitude thread. Gratitude is my go to now to pull me back into the present moment and get out of my head.


That attitude of gratitude is sometimes hard for me to cultivate. I can make a list, which I truly am grateful for, and still be angry about some bs, LoL. I have to ask God to help me. Only then do I feel my anger and anxiety subside. Giving it up to God is the best way for me to relieve my stress. I like to say, He wouldnt bring me to something he wouldn’t see me through.


Thank you so much when I first started to get sober off of narcotics (the very first time )I didn’t feel like I was thus angry but then I also think I was just trying to be a lot more happy than I actually was and this time getting sober come and clean to my love ones it feels real and I feel if I were to relapse, it would be a lot more shame And guilt.

People who drive the speed limit in the fast land and refuse to get over can “fuck right off”.

That’s the bad thing about relapsing. I don’t believe that you lose all of the knowledge and skill that you build up before you relapse, but all of the shame and guilt floods, right back in. It just postpones the many wonderful things that await recovery and long term sobriety, so glad you’re here

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Thank you and we really appreciate this community that I found!