Since I started my attempt on recovering from my addiction (Not drugs or anything too dangerous thankfully) I’m starting to notice how little friend and community I have. This is worsen by the fact that many of my old hobbies is now alien to me. Right now I’ve just spent 40-ish minutes trying to find something to do that can get me into a community or somethings similar even though I know that doing this first is not the right way. I felt like i should’ve been focusing on restoring those hobbies first but when i tried it just felt wrong as if i’m just wasting time, probably because i’m being impatient?
So for an example, if i want to look for a community online i would be reluctant because of thoughts such as “i don’t think it’s what i truly wanted” or “i don’t think i can blend into such a large community” but when i try to do a (in face value) not really productive hobbies such as reading a novel or comic, playing a game, ect thoughts of loneliness made me felt like it’s a waste of time because “These isn’t going to improve my life”. But when i try to do my hobbies which are anything related to telling a story (Drawing, writing stories, game making) i would feel like i can’t imagine a good enough story because i didn’t read many good novel or comic for years.
I’m still trying to understand this feeling, any help is appreciated.