Believe in something for heaven's sakes!

Believe in God, don’t believe in God, IDGAF.

If you’re feeling some kinda way, and who isn’t, then you might just try saying a little prayer. I pray to God (you know just in case :thinking:), my mom, my Angels and Spirit.

I mean it won’t make you feel worse and let’s face it if you’re reading this you’re probs a little or a lot fucked up. There are 20 prayers here for all kinds of nutty emotions :chipmunk:
Do it. I dare ya.

Happy Sunday.

Love, Joanie :sparkling_heart:


Preach it girl. Beautiful post.


I love you?


Maybe try a meeting they will help you stay sober wish you well


Well … I do actually, thanks. Just laying those prayers out there for those who might be interested.

Where you can pray! :slightly_smiling_face:

@anon51407452 I was going to send these to you only because you commented about getting into praying. Thought I’d send it out as a post for others as well.

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Think a church would be the place to pray but nothing stopping you praying at a meeting

I went to one meeting. There was a LOT of the word God. I was stressed thinking I would never be able to remember any of the ‘prayers.’

This post has got a whole load of ‘Nope’ written all over it.

You’re basically saying; whether or not you believe in God, you should pray to God because I pray to God.

And what is ‘dare ya’ supposed to mean? If I dont do it, I have to accept a forfeit?

I’ll take the forfeit.


Thank you for sharing your opinion with me :roll_eyes:


You’re welcome.

‘Dare ya’ is usually a last resort comment aiming to peer pressure someone into doing something they dont want to do. I’ll just leave that there.

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just so you know - all threads, including this one, have a mute function. so if you come across a thread with “a whole load of nope” you can feel free to mute it and ignore it.


That’s me, a 56 year old peer pressuring prayer nut.

Now if I wanted to pressure anyone we’d be talking astrology.

Imma gonna leave that right here.

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I agree that this post feels pushy to me as well, and that the idea of prayer in general makes my stomach churn.

I’ve noticed a lot of 'You can believe whatever you want BUT I believe in God", which seems completely unneccessary. Someone could simply just say the first portion if they weren’t trying to feel social acceptance via comradery.

That’s fine. We’re social animals. It still rubs me the wrong way though. Possibly because I’m a bit more critical of what I say in similar situatons


I pray internally everyday. Please just let me get through this shit day at work. I’m not praying to God, but having that conversation is so helpful!

I took zero offense at this thread. I don’t believe in God, and that’s fine.


I’m totally fine with it :hugs: If you believe in God, okay. If you believe in the flying pizza-monster, okay as well. Live and let live.
But I must admit that praying really does something good with me (must not happen to you aswell). I don’t use those prayers tho, I just ask for guidance, love and patience mostly :heart:


Thanks, Liv. He’s probs a fire sign :wink:

Iprayed only once to God and it was after my recent relapse. I’ve prayed only a few times and it was always to my mom. I’m not into organized religion, hell my mom even let me wear a yellow jumpsuit to my first communion because I refused to wear the traditional garb!

Someone on TS was talking about wanting to pray so I put this out there after I found it.

Not my fault I’m ruled by the trickster of the planets :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I really think people are not getting the whole point of this thread.
I can tell you right now that Joanie is far from pushy. Or religious!
The point of this thread I believe is that you need to have a belief in something.
What’s wrong with prayer.
Don’t call it a prayer, think of it as a daily mumble.
As @Meggers says

Call it internalising your thoughts.
“I’m gonna stay sober today,”
“I’m gonna live a better life today”

I say to myself each morning"let’s have another day sober." I’m asking something, myself to help achieve this goal.

Something I’ve found is that as soon as you mention god on here people go nuts.
I’m not religious in any way shape or form but if you are struggling to get sober, if you are constantly “relapsing” don’t you think it’s about time you thought about your sobriety not some talk about a God who may or may not exist.
I’m not talking about taking up religious studies here people. Just forget the word god. Take the word god to mean something external to yourself.


:hushed: wich one is that?

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