Big Oof in Derek Land

After much debate, and an abundance of real life support, I’ve decided to share a bit about what is going on. The shout out thread made me realize that I’ve grown up in sobriety with a lot of you folx and you all deserve to be included in my life, and struggles.

Buckle up it’s gonna be a long one. It will most likely get moved to the lounge in due time. Not really sure what I’m looking for in posting this other than to update my friends.

Go check out the old real red diary of derek threads for a more in depth history. But long story short my girlfriend and I got pregnant very shortly after dating and before I was a year sober. She also had a very young daughter at the time who’s father had died before she was born. Most of you probably didn’t know that because for all intents and purposes she’s my little girl. My girlfriend and I tried the marriage route but it just wasn’t meant to be. We separated in less than a year.

For almost 3 years we had a really great coparenting arrangement and actually got along quite well. We shared true 50/50 custody with very little conflict. That all changed over the summer. My current girlfriend, and hopefully forever partner, started blending our families after a year of dating. We took family trips and gree our family unit. That means my kids started getting close with my girlfriend and I started getting close with her boys. Now I can understand how this is hard for my ex to watch, but she is also doing the same with her boyfriend which I support.

Towards the end of summer my ex started making comments about the amount of trips I was taking and the cost associated with them. It’s important to note that I am paying close $1,000 a month in support/child care costs. My girlfriend and I do well financially and are to afford these trips. My ex took issue with that.

After ny final trip in August my ex informed me that I will no longer be getting my daughter on the normal custody schedule. Legally speaking she is able to do this. Morally speaking it’s a different story. In the past 6 weeks I’ve only had my daughter for 4 overnights. I’ve been incredibly depressed, angry, distant, closed off, and selfish. I’m not in danger of relapse but I am struggling to stay positive. To have my daughter taken from me and having no recourse is the absolute master definition of powerlessness. And I fucking hate it. I hate every fucking second of it.

I’ve been staying close with my sponsor and some close friends, but as time wears on I talk about it less because I just sound like a broken record. I’m still hurting so bad but I know I need to regroup and press forward. My son still needs me very much and this has been incredibly hard on him too as he doesn’t understand why his sister isn’t here. She doesn’t understand why she can’t come to daddy’s.

And finally to top it all off, my shitty mood and selfishness is causing problems in my relationship. I get angry so quickly and I get so defensive because I simply cannot cope and my poor amazing beautiful girlfriend unfortunately bears the brunt of my shit.

Anyway trauma dump over.


Oh fudge. That really sucks Derek. Like seriously. And I am sorry to hear it. I am glad you have support IRL and here. Ugh, this year.

It feels very sad and short sighted to me. And confusing for the kids. I can understand your frustration and anger. And ugh on it bleeding into your romantic relationship.

I am glad you vented. And hope you can find some peace and resolution. And I hope the times you do have both the kids continue to be as fun and special for you all. They are little for such a short time. Know that you are deeply loved by them both. Perhaps that can comfort you a bit. :people_hugging::heart:


It hurts to talk about tbh. There ain’t no manual for this shit. And I honestly never saw it coming (even though others did apparently). If I want parenting time I have to ask permission and have a plan. Like I can’t just take her for the night and help her with her homework. I can’t drop her off at school anymore. I can’t even contact the school. I’m being frozen out and don’t know what to do.


Hi I am not here to give advice. Your Sobriety Journey is the best way to accomplish all you want in my opinion. Using again will not help your circumstances at all. I will pray for you to find the wisdom you need at this time.


Oh god that sounds so awful Derek. Fuck I’m so very sorry this shit is going on in your and your daughter’s lives wtf! Such injustice!

I have no experience w any of this and no human kids. I hope others can help and advise. I just wanna send a lot of rage and a lot of love out there for you! :heart: :rage:


Wow! My heart breaks for you and your little girl. What an awful situation. How does your ex think this is good for anyone? She’s only thinking about herself and how she can hurt you. She needs to open her eyes and see what she’s doing to that little girl. This is not in that child’s best interest especially at this young age. And it’s messing with your son. Ugh! It all makes me angry. Anyway, thank you for opening up and allowing us into your world. Sending you hugs, strength and hope.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. You’re doing amazing in your recovery to say the least, so for her to do something like this just seems petty. I really feel for you. When I went for full custody of my daughter, it was bc of her father’s addiction, and nothing else. It hurt me to have to do that but now that he’s been sober 3 years, I am so grateful she’s able to have her father back in her life. Whatever else he does has fuck all to do with their relationship, which is why this makes no sense to me. It is unjust and you don’t deserve this. Sorry man :disappointed_relieved:


Wow, I’m so sorry you are having to experience this. It’s heartbreaking. It’s unfortunate when an adult responsible for the well being of a little human will sacrifice what’s in the best interest for her daughter simply to punish you. I relate to you pain my daughter in law has done the same with me. I will keep you all in my prayers. Stay strong.


Thank you for sharing with us here. I am so very sorry that your ex is causing such drama for you and that your daughter has to be caught in the middle of it. I can’t imagine what you are going through and totally feel your hurt and frustration. Such a shitty situation all around.

I know your ex is doing this because she is jealous of what you are able to do and all the trips. Her jealousy is tearing your relationship apart. I wish i had some advice but all i can offer is a shoulder for you to lean on. Vent away here - i do hope that screaming out into the internet and knowing you are among friends (old and new) helps you some.


Damn… that shit pisses me off. How unfair to your daughter (and you and your son). I’m really sorry, I hope things change for you soon.


Could you take your ex to court to receive more visitation time?


So sorry you’re experiencing this. So difficult for you, your son, and your daughter. Can you take your ex- to court over the visitation and have more of a set schedule established?


Just want to clarify something in hopes of putting it to bed now. My daughter is not biologically mine and my ex never followed through on the adoption. So in NY this means I have no legal standing. I am also a former family court attorney and am very familiar with the law.

I appreciate everyone’s concern around this. It’s something that I’m trying to grow to live with because I don’t really have any other options. It’s just a sad state of affairs right now that I am struggling with.


Have you tried turning the ex off and on again?

Seriously though… what a kick in the guts.
When spite becomes a driving force all bets are off in what might be done.
I have no idea what can be done to begin to address the mismatched balance of power regarding custody.
I truly hope you can come to some kind of mature agreement about all this is more focused on the kids rather than the adults.
Stay strong, mate.



Man Derek I’m sorry your going through this. You’re such a huge inspiration to me I always say I wish I can be like that some day. I’m glad you are pushing through though and working through it. I can relate in a sense, my girls weren’t taken but I don’t ever see them now and it hurts I feel like a terrible dad a lot of the days. I feel like I should have my shit together and back taking care of them already. And my oldest daughter I am kind of in the same boat , I don’t know if she is mine. My ex told me a year after being her dad that I wasn’t the father out of anger. I never cared to get a paternity test because at the point she was my world and I couldn’t do that to either of us. And still to this day I wonder if she is mine, I do believe she is she has a lot of my traits and genetics. But I guess I still wonder. Anyways man thanks for sharing I’m happy to be here with you


You already know this but this is the thing that makes you a great dad


I think I just typed out almost verbatim what @Lisa07 wrote - and variations on others’ posts.

My heart breaks for the kiddos. Also for you. For everyone in this stupid, unnecessary, bullshit situation. Even for your ex and her (stupid, fucking, ego- and self-interest-driven, broken) thinking. It’s those kids she’s hurting. But also, how will this not impact her own relationship with them?

That’s her problem. Of her making.

As for you? For what we’re worth, you’ve got us. We see the love you have for those kids every time you post about 'em.

I hope she wakes up soon.

I’m so sorry this is happening. :orange_heart:


It is so sad and I am so sorry. Your girl will always know that you are her Dad, regardless of what happens.

You are who has been there for her as long as she can remember and she will remember that and keep it close to her heart. That cannot be taken away.

You are the Dad of her brother.

And you will still be there for her as much as you are able and allowed. Such a *ucked up word to throw into the conversation… ‘allowed’.

Reading your post made me have tears.

It is not fair… and there isn’t anything you can do but suffer and deal as best as you can.
And make it as easy for her as you can.

The times that you are able to have her I know you will let her know how much she is loved.

(You and your gf and the children do look like a big happy family and to me your little girl resembles your gf so much.)

The ex is a vindictive witch, sorry.

You never know what will happen… you are young, the child is young… hope for the best, work for it as much as you are able.

Stay loyal and dependable to your little girl during this hard time and going forward. Who knows what the future will bring.

I am sorry this has happened and understand how powerless this makes you feel and how sad this is for you.

Big hugs.


Mate that’s a shit thing to go through, I don’t have any wise words but you know everybody is here when you need to unload​:pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is there no way you can have a proper sit down convo with your ex about this or maybe even all of you…your partner and her partner too? Apologies if youve already tried/done this

*Editing to add…
Im in no way sticking up for your ex here…in my own situation being a single mother to a 6 year old daughter…ive not once stopped my ex seeing his daughter but once over he found a new partner and at the time they both were well off financially…alot more so than me…they would spend alot on my daughter and take her places i couldnt afford etc if im honest i felt inferior and a bit threatened but we all had a sit down talk and when i met his partner i liked her and it actually made me feel a bit better about it all because at the end of the day these things that they were doing for my daughter were enhancing her life and if i couldnt do it at least they were so she wasnt missing out…its not an easy feeling but it was about her not me, id have never taken the route your ex has and its sad that she has because it will ultimately affect your daughter im just trying to give you a bit of a slant on how your ex might be feeling and why shes acting up