Binge drinking alcoholic here, anybody been through similar?

Hi. Great to read your post

I never saw myself as an alcoholic as I just drank about a bottle of wine most nights which sounded bohemian… :slight_smile: then at the weekends I drank more. Often it went well. And often it went badly

Alcohol is crap. It’s seductive. The world presents it as ok and soooo acceptable. That’s because they make alot of money from it

There are lots of alcohol free alternatives. I have found folks quite like me not drinking. They have a designated driver… And someone who keeps things on track

Go for sober :slight_smile:


Welcome JB,

Its seems you and I have been living the same life, my friend.

Sounds like you’ve finally had enough! That can be a humbling realization. Atleast, it was for me. The epiphany that, “Sh*t, I DO have a problem”.

For me, it was unnerving at first. But that it was I like to look at as the beginning of our healing. Accepting the things we have done while drinking/ drunk and knowing that is not the person we truly are.

Alcohol turned me into the type of person I hated. It was truly like Jekyll and Hyde. If my drunk character was in a different vessel, I would do everything in my power to avoid that person. So thats exactly what I realised I needed to do. Stay away from that person. Because thats not me.

Best decision I’ve ever made.

I’ve started to gain the trust of my loved ones again and I am showing my true character consistently and showing who I really am to my friends and family. Let me tell you, I am a much more pleasant man than that drunk man I used to allow to take control.

Here I am on day 20. Thankful.

Keep up the good work brother!


This is exactly my pattern. Got very lucky but many close calls. I’ve gone almost a year sober but then forget I can’t drink and start again. This doesn’t change. Don’t bother.


Stick with it mate. After the first 90 days you notice a difference in your mental health and your confidence. I can now go to events and enjoy myself rather than going to events and getting blootered, make a tit of myself and end up riddled with anxiety.


Sounds all too familiar all these stories, frightening the impact it has on so many people and it’s still celebrating and lauded worldwide. 20 days is great effort long may it continue mate :facepunch:t2: it’s nice ina way too see I wasn’t alone and it was just something wrong with me making me turn into someone else on alcohol.


How’s it all going man? First weekend was tough for me but I kept on this app the whole time.


Feeling loads better but the craving for a drink are a killer. Especially with the weather being nice, luckily working nights all weekend so keeps me away from temptation.
Finding it quite difficult not thinking about it, more I try not too more it stays on the mind. Just keeping myself busy


But the positives I’ve never had so much energy and starting to see the benefits of not having a drink, only been 5 days but hopefully once the cycle is broke Itll get easier. Appreciate you checking in mate :+1:


Awesome to hear man. Just make sure you don’t keep on the merry go round… feel great so you have a drink only to get smashed and regret it all and start again. Thats been my life the last 15 years.
Happy to stay accountable to each other here if you like. Check in when you want. I am only day 13 today.


Youre def not alone. Plenty of people here have very similiar stories. Myself included.


How you doing today? Bank holidays in this country are a killer! Goes back to what we were saying about the drink culture over here. Never thought I’d say it, but I’ll be glad when Tuesday comes around. I was dreading this weekend, but I’ve stayed in the house to avoid my usual temptations. One day at a time mate, that’s the only way to look at it.


Hello mate delighted to hear you’ve made it through the bank holiday weekend! Give yourself some credit because I know how difficult it can be when your pals have probably been at you to go out for a “few” because the weather is nice! 5 days is huge and tomorrow you’ll wake up thankful you didn’t go out and waste your hard earned money.


I’m also from uk and it’s nice we can all relate to the casual drinking culture here. I’ve deleted my social media for a break. Hard having wild friends begging me to go out all day in my pocket. So it’s gone while I get through this week. Good luck guys


Good idea to take a break from social media, helps to prioritise your sobriety. So hard to go against the culture here. Well done and welcome!


Totally agree. Binge drinking culture in the UK is ridiculous. Took me so long to realise that it wasn’t normal behaviour, and in fact was alcoholic behaviour. I didn’t think I was an alcoholic because I didn’t drink every day… but I WANTED to drink every day. It’s no life having to deny yourself something you want to do, so I changed my mind and made alcohol something that I consciously and unconsciously want to avoid.


Apologies for late response mate, been doing really well tho! On day 15/16 and feel so much better, the urge to finish work and get a bottle of vodka is slowly dying off and I went the pub Sunday watch the football and had 0% beers. No one around cared or even mentioned it and I pulled myself away after final whistle and went home to the kid and Mrs.
Peer pressure is only there if they think it affects you and that’s one biggest worries I had, didn’t miss out on any banter and everyone in the pub who was how I’d usually be I thought was a dick and made me want get out the place sooner :joy: hope you’re still going strong mate

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Still going strong, been pub with mates drank 0% peroni and no one batted an eye lid! Got the social side of drinking without the anxiety and expense of taking it too far so proud of myself for achieving that.
Just going do my best not get complacent.


Good man. That’s great to hear. We’re on a similar day, think this is my day 17 so I know how your feeling! Glad your doing well, keep it up mate. Good to be able to still do the things you want yet ignore the urges, you’ve got to be in a reasonable state of mind to do the football in the pub etc. Well done.

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0% peroni is the one!

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Cheers mate. Have to make sure we keep checking in on each other seeing as we’re round a similar time of going for sobriety! Hope you’re doing well with it

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