Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

Sharing this photo of me from two days ago. I’ve gotten fat and don’t exercise enough. My worst meal for eating inappropriately is breakfast. I usually have a carb-only breakfast with coffee. Changes feel like they will rock my sobriety boat, but I know that is distorted thinking.


@Kareness , believe me or not, but you’re beautiful :heart:
Look at that cute smile :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I understand your desire to get your body to different shape. EVERYTHING is possible. Best is to adjust the diet and add exercise and cardio. Nothing is easy.
You may feel better in your body if you eat healthier and move it :wink:
But it won’t bring you more success, happiness, peace…
If you decide to so something, do it for your health.


Thank you for your kind words! It doesn’t help my “look” that I’ve had a twin pregnancy. Never had stomach issues before that and it’s made my body self image suffer. I know there are things I can do that will help, I just need to do them!


Week 1: no overeating :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand:


PTW: Exercise numbers, steps.
You look great imo! I also need to start exercising but it has been too hot here in Texas. :hot_face: Hopefully I’ll be able to go swimming a couple times a week, I’d love that. Swimming is like, my favorite exercise ever next to dancing. Right now the only exercise I do is walking to and from my mailbox, which is roughly 200 steps.


Taking into account that you don’t feel comfortable with your body, I think it’s very brave to post that picture. At least for me picture of myself are something I run away from for a while now! Besides that I think you look great, you have a lovely smile on the picture, never lose it!!


Swimming is one of my favorites too! I love to swim lanes. It relaxes me! I usually do 40-45 minutes, I need to get back to swimming!


I’m sorry to read that you’re struggling and that someone let you down… that’s a lot of fears you mention in your post. Don’t let the “what might happen” take away the joy of daily life from you! Very wise to not blame yourself for overeating, I should learn something from you!


It’s great exercise! I have a pool here in our condo but haven’t been using it. :roll_eyes:


What are you waiting for? :blush: I have to go to the public pool, which is great, but in summer they organize summer camps, and it’s hard to find a quiet time of the day, where it’s not packed with kids. I wish I had a pool to myself!! :sweat_smile:


Day 5. Not binging with food. Now I am tempted with meat :bacon:. Can you imagine? I ate dinner already


Checking in on day 3 of not binging & tackling my food addiction. This forum helped me get sober from alcohol so I’m using it now to work towards sobriety in my unhealthy relationship with food. Right now I’m just focusing on not eating after my evening meal. Late night eating after going to bed is where I go off the rails. I managed to resist the urge to eat last night. So I’m here to check in as the day draws to a close. I’ve only eaten one meal today because I slept until 4pm. Not sure why. I’m still tired. So I’ll go to sleep at a decent time tonight. I just have to make it to morning without raiding my pantry.


Welcome to the thread, and thank you for sharing your story! I hope you find this thread helpful/inspiring to your recovery. You’re not alone in the case of turning to food after sobriety. Other people on this thread have too, perhaps they can chime in. :smiling_face:


Day 933 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 269 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


I don’t know that labelling yourself as “fat” is helpful. I have certainly done (do) it myself, and all it does it make me feel worse. You can aim to eat better, exercise more, without insulting yourself. And it is a lovely smile!
Caveat - I do know that some people are trying to reclaim “fat” as just a description, but for me and I guess you too, it is full of negative connotations and not useful.


Hi Cristel, congratulations on your sobriety!! I’ve seen your pic on the selfie thread and I think you look lovely! But obviously you have to feel comfortable with yourself, I know that feeling of people saying “you look great” and to myself I think “yeah right…”. I hope you manage to get your eating habits under control, in a way that you are happy with yourself!


Day 8: no overeating :smiley:


Congratulations to yet another day of kicking addiction in its butt!


Sounds like some heavy feelings going on. Thanks for sharing. It is good to know that we are all human, all struggling at times.


Hi there! Thanks for saying my Pic is lovely. It’s not so much about my looks as it is I feel terrible. I am bloated, have gained 40lbs since I quit drinking. I’m only 5’2" so that’s a LOT of extra weight. I can’t walk as far as I used to my, my knee hurts and my hips hurt - all because of the extra pounds. I am now pre-diabetic and need to bring my cholesterol down. I am slowly killing myself with food. My twin sister had a stroke 4 years ago at 47 years old. I’m heading that direction if I don’t make changes!! But logic and my willpower aren’t enough to control the urges for the seratonin boost I get from food. Just like with alcohol, I have to surrender to my powerlessness over sugar and build up my toolkit. That’s why I’m so glad I found y’all!

If anyone would care to share tools they use to abstain from unhealthy things I’d be so grateful!
