Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

yeah, no, now that you say it, that seems ridiculous! :sweat_smile:

dude, I had no idea what your visit to the UK would entail butā€¦ is there any way you can figure out some boundaries and pre-fabricated responses and you-time and ā€¦ just in general limit your exposure to dickishness? I hope you can prepare yourself! :people_hugging:


Iā€™m sorry to read that youā€™re struggling so bad before your trip, Fleur. The sad truth is, no weight will ever make us happy, until we accept ourselves the way we are (now hereā€™s a lot of ā€œdo as I say, but donā€™t do as I doā€¦ā€:roll_eyes:)
As others already mentioned, the scale is very tricky and not always shows reality. I have set a goal of weighing myself once a week (sometimes anxiety hits and I fail), but my final goal is to get rid of that shitty thing!
We are not our weight!


Yeah, I guess you have an important point there. When I focus on my eating, and do my 4-5 meals a day, usually I end the day well. So thereā€™s 2 things I need to focus on;

ā€¢ eat enough and healthy throughout the day
ā€¢ distinguish between physical and emotional hunger

Weā€™ll work on that! :muscle:t2::blush:


@Sissychris39 :green_heart: day 3 not binging. A camomilla in the night


Iā€™m so proud of you. Keep up the incredible work. Youā€™ve got this!


Day 931 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 267 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Good job so far! Keep up the good work! :smiling_face::muscle:


Your way forward is to keep eating normally. I am proud of you for working towards and getting to a goal you had set out for yourselfā€¦ to feel better both mentally ( for yourself) and physically.
Your sis and bro can really just fro.

Be happy to be home and just donā€™t let them get to you. That is a bad game they have been messing w for years and want to pick back upā€¦ it is hurtful for you.

To gain the kilogram you would have had to eat 7840 extra calories which you most likely didnā€™t and if you did since you are mostly eating normally you are in good mental and physical shape.

I believe in weighing a lot for me. I have had the same scale since I was about 22. When I am gaining weight which I have been lately I tend to not get on it. Anyway, for me, weighing is an indication to me of which way I am going.
I have a realistic idea of where I want to be.
I am no longer in my 20ā€™s or 30ā€™s or even 40ā€™s and it is different.
If I were biking a jillion miles a day
( I bike 19-21 a time or two or more or less a week) or walking 8 miles a day ( when I did that I was eating donuts at the same time to keep from blowing away), or lifting heavier weights than the ones that I do or getting more steps in than I do, I would not feel the need.
It is when things are out of balance, it is a good reminder for me, talking about me personally, not anyone else, what the scale is doing and why.

Maybe I am dehydrated, maybe not eating enough, maybe eating too much, maybe not walking enough,. maybe building a ton of muscleā€¦ lots of variables here.

Normally my weight stays in about a 4-5 pound low to high and that is fine. Clothes fit etcetera. I have no problem with that variation through out the year.

Lately something has happened I am not sure what and I have added on five more and I need to ask for more help here bc whatever I am or am not doing is not working. And I am getting on the scale less because I know that the number I will see is too high and not good based on how I feel, look, and want for me.

I will write about it soon.

@Misokatsu have a good trip. Enjoy those you enjoy for the reasons you enjoy them. Try to not be hurt by the childishness of your brother and sister or just tell them it really hurts you.


Day 4 @Sissychris39 thank you :hugs:


@Aleyadaisey thank you :sun_with_face:


Youā€™re welcome :grin:


Day 932 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 268 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


No problem! :smiling_face:


No overeating in 6 days!


Well done Sheena!! :clap:t2::clap:t2:
I havenā€™t had any binges since my Saturday pizza incident, so far so goodā€¦ :muscle:t2:


Thank you so much, and congratulations to you as well. Weā€™ve got this!


Great job, keep up the good work, Sissychris39! :smiling_face:


heavy into the overeating today and (a bit less so) yesterday. dealing with depression, hard feelings and fear. jealously, heartache and major disappointment in someone I trusted. fear of therapy ending. fear of not being able to ever make a worthy life for myself.
sharing here to complement my usual preaching. I had the thought that itā€™s probably odious to only ever read shares of the good, but never the bad from someone. would sure piss me off.
the overeating will sort itself out again, it does that. my therapist recently shared her opinion that when food is the only thing left that is in some way ā€œcomfortingā€ when I am depressed, that is connected w it being also the first comfort for humans in life, when we are babies. Iā€™ve stopped shaming myself for overeating a good while ago and this thought has further helped me to accpet that it happens sometimes. none of our symptoms are random.

wish you all a good day whereever you are in your journeys. :orange_heart: :blue_heart: :boar:


Hi @Faugxh
Sorry to read thisā€¦ :pensive: I little bit overate on sweets yesterday and today. No reason really, just because itā€™s been here :roll_eyes: So youā€™re not alone.
Glad to read youā€™re quite coping and not shaming yourself, because it doesnā€™t help you to get anywhere at all. The opposite effect in fact!

Youā€™re a very smart lady. I donā€™t know who and how hurt you, but the person isnā€™t worth for you to be sad. I understand that you feel certain way, because betrayed trust is one of the hardest things to accept and cope with :broken_heart: You should feel your feelings, thatā€™s for sure. Youā€™re a human and you have feelings. They shouldnā€™t be ignored, or try to hide. Process them, but donā€™t stagnate in them for too long. Today is cloudy, but one day will be bright again :blush:

Itā€™s good you shared here. Thank you for coming here and writing things down. If thereā€™s anything I could do for you, please let me know :pray:t2:


Thank you so much!