Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

25 days no binge :heart:
Happy Friday everyone :four_leaf_clover::sunny:


39 days no takeaways.
14 days no crisps.
13 days no binge-eating.
3 days no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Pleased to report that I did another meditation, then watched 2 episodes of the show I’m watching on Wednesday night, and the urges passed. I had strong cravings again after another stressful afternoon yesterday, for both crisps, and a takeaway, but I distracted myself again and got through it.



@CATMANCAM @Jana1988 :muscle: :sunglasses:
@Mon1 All high caloric foods will trigger a dopamine release. The higher palatable your system deems a food, the higher the domapine release. It’s a biological system designed to make you search for food that will increase your chances of survival in an environment where good food is scarce. There is nothing bad or unsafe about highly caloric food or dopamine release in itself. These are basic biological systems.
Whether any of the foods you mentioned are problematic in triggering bingeing or other compulsive behaviours is a different and highly subjective matter.

219 sugar
83 UPF
90 gluten
67 dairy
1 overeating

Portion sizes yesterday worked out quite well. I’ll stick to these and see how it goes. 90 days no gluten is nice. Really do not care for being ‘glutened’ ever again. Makes me feel really shitty. In the end all my counters are about things I don’t want cause they make me feel shitty in the end.


@acromouse In the end, is there agreement on foods that are more harmful than beneficial?


Highly palatable foods which make you want to eat more of them/overeat your daily needed calories yet provide no micronutrients and dont contribute to a healthy balance of macronutrients.

But you have to phrase it harmful for whom and under what circumstances. If I eat a burger today it won’t harm me. If I eat sixteen the next week probably also no harm done. But there will be a point where it’ll limit my ability to live my life my way and that’s a probability for almost everyone. Also, no nutritional knowledge, discipline, years of MH treatment or a still highly active ED would make it a completely different story for me. It’s about the way you deal w yourself. Not about the substances or actions we use in order to avoid dealing w ourselves.
I think you’re looking for far too broad answers. Try and think about how things stand w you and for you instead of overgeneralising.


Here is an article I posted when I first became a member. What I said in my comment then I stand by now. I have not read the article since I posted.
Addictions and "the reward circuitry in our brain"

I have a problem particularly with sweets and with cheese. If I have a little, I want it all. I choose not to keep it in my house.
We all have different foods and situations that are triggering. That make us want to binge.
Reading here you can see how we all have different and also many of the same ways to circumvent it some.


Was craving cake on the way home, avoided several stores, but then bought one (portion) at the last place before I came home. I was tempted to eat more sweet stuff that is in the house, but waited until dinner, then really ate my fill of a homemade pork and vegetable curry with rice. I didn’t need that bit of cake, but am so glad it didn’t trigger a binge.


There are two books I usually recommend on the topic.

  • If you’d like to read on the topic of processed foods and how it is not about you but about the food you eat: “Ultra-Processed People” by Chris van Tulleken
  • If you want to learn more about how our eating signals work and why we overeat I’d suggest “The Hungry Brain” by Stephan Guyenet.

That’s a good idea @acromouse . Starting in July I will count my days as X/31, with X being the total number of days walked out of the 31 days in the month of July. Thanks for the idea!


Day 1294 : No binge today. :blush:


220 sugar
84 UPF
91 gluten
68 dairy
2 overeating

Portion sizes yesterday worked out quite well in terms of not feeling overfed. On the other hand I was hungry inbetween my meals. This is not bad in itself, I just ate a snack, but I am going to tinker a bit with different portion sizes. I’d rather have three meals a day just out of convenience, but if snacks inbetween will work better for me, I’ll settle for snacks.


26 days no binge :heart:

Yesterday was a test for me. We had a social event with my colleagues after work, so I knew that I won’t have a proper dinner. My original plan was just to accept it and be without food after 8pm regardless. However, when I came home at 9.30pm I was starving. I also cycled to work, then to the event and then all the way back, so I knew that must be the reason why I was so hungry. I worried that if I eat so late at night that I’d binge because that’s what happened in the past. But I also knew that it’s likely that I’d struggle to fall asleep because of the hunger… :woman_shrugging:t4: Finally I decided to have a dinner but I portioned it and said to myself that I won’t eat more than that no matter what. As expected I was craving more (especially ice cream which I knew is in the freezer) but I thought about my counter and how close I am to a month mark. That helped to make a decision of going to shower first and see how I feel about the ice cream afterwards. I ended up drinking only tea, because I realised that I’m quite thirsty. Then I went to bed and slept like a baby till morning. I woke up happy that I handled the situation well and I think that it was a right decision to eat after I exercised and was hungry.

Btw I have a bit of belly lately, despite eating much better and not binging. I’d think that I should rather get rid of it than gain it :smile::smile::smile: But somehow I don’t feel bad about it and I take it for what it is. It’s my small cute belly button :heart:


This thread is for me!

I’m a gluttonous pig :pig:
But don’t put on any weight and recently had a routine test for diabetes and my body is in tip top condition

Of course it’s a green flag to eat worse


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: You’re living a dream of every woman!


I know - eating what I want and the body of a Spartan

My insides might be rotting away though :nauseated_face:


You’re wise. Love how you put it.


40 days no takeaways.
15 days no crisps.
14 days no binge-eating.
4 days no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I was craving to binge yesterday. Lots of emotion with nowhere to go. I need to exercise but just can’t find the spark of motivation to actually do anything. Then I feel shame because of that. Then I want to binge the shame away, but it would only be replaced by more shame for binge-eating, so I keep reminding myself of that. I really don’t know how I’ve reached the 2 week mark for no binge-eating, but I’m happy about it, despite my disbelief, it somehow gives me hope that I might be able to surpass my best attempt so far of 56 days.



Day 1295 : No binge today. :blush:

Welcome to the thread, @DarrenUK! I hope you find this thread helpful/inspiring in a positive way. :blush:


@CATMANCAM Just as an idea: Maybe move your focus from exercise towards ways how to channel your emotions? Movement of any kind can be one possible way to do this. And a lot of people find movement beneficial. It does not have to be exercise though. There are other forms of movement. And you could investigate other ways to work with your emotions that don’t focus on movement. Like a bit of detective work. Obsessiveliy clinging to any idea how things should be is most of the time a recipe for desaster. Other than that: Good work on not caving to cravings.
@DarrenUK As long as you don’t feel like your eating habits are affecting your life, I’d think everything is ok.
@Jana1988 Great job on both eating instead of restricting, but also portioning instead of bingeing. This truly is a winner on all fronts! :muscle:
Bellies come and go. This is the way of bellies. You cannot controll your belly. Let the belly be what it is :om: :lotus: :person_in_lotus_position:

221 sugar
85 UPF
92 gluten
69 dairy
3 overeating

I am still experimenting with portion sizes. Current conclusion is: If I want to stay with three meals a day, I need to eat bigger portion sizes even if I feel slightly stuffed afterwards. Or I have to eat snacks in between. I like the convenience of only eating three times a day and not having to come up with ideas for snacks. On the other hand I don’t like this stuffed feeling, and it also makes me feel sluggish. I’m going to experiment more.


@acromouse I meditate a lot, which is good for my mind, but I need to do something physically for the energy in my body, anxiety is just keeping me stuck at the moment, like it has done for a long while now. Will just keeping trying to psych myself up to start something and try to overcome it.

41 days no takeaways.
16 days no crisps.
15 days no binge-eating.
5 days no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday was okay craving-wise. I received a last minute invite to my dad’s, as they have his wife’s family members over from America. There were so many people I didn’t know, so I was very anxious, but I felt pressured to go because I didn’t go to meet them the last time they visited 2 years ago. My dad’s wife’s brother’s partner was there, but not him, so I was annoyed that I felt pressured to go when he wasn’t even there, he’d ‘gone out with the lads’, so she had invited 3 of her friends who live in the UK, so I had to meet all of them too. They were all having a giant BBQ, and alcohol. I managed to resist both, and stick to what I bought on the way there to take with me. I felt so awkward the entire time, but I got through it. The blessing was that I got to have an extra long cuddle with my baby niece towards the end of the night. The sad part is, it was very late (for me) by the time I got home, and where I usually take my evening meds around 5pm, sleep by 9, wake up to feed the cats and take my morning meds at 2am, then go back to sleep til around 5am, I didn’t get to take them until 22:15 when I got home, so I was awake past midnight, and didn’t wake until 7am to feed the cats and take my morning meds, which I have to nap after, so I then slept through all of my alarms and missed going to my Auntie’s to see one of my cousins and his family who were down here visiting. They were doing breakfast, and I said I wouldn’t eat what they were having, but my auntie had said she would make me porridge with fruit. I was really looking forward to going, I don’t think I’ve seen my Auntie this year yet. But also, I am so socially and emotionally drained from last night and definitely needed the sleep.
