Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

This is huge friend!!! Keep listening without judgement. Keep listening like you are on surveilance detail. You are a secret agent!!!


Day 8

No binge eating


Day 1353 : No binge today. :blush:

So sorry about your relapse, @CATMANCAM. :people_hugging: Donā€™t get discouraged, just try to get back up again. :purple_heart:


2 days no binge :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was after my dinner yesterday and I wanted something sweet. While making myself a cup of tea I was thinking about it and I knew itā€™s Ed* who wants it, not me. He was trying to persuade me that it doesnā€™t matter who wants it and just to grab the little chocolate hidden in the kitchen cupboard. And then I said to myself, ā€œDonā€™t listen to it today, Jana. Even if itā€™s only today, letā€™s have one evening sweets free. Itā€™s only for tonight.ā€ And so left the kitchen with only the cup of tea. I was watching TV and had a few more moments thinking about that chocolate, but they werenā€™t that strong like the initial urge and maybe because the decision has been made by then, I coped fine. Literally just thought about the chocolate and then not in the next second. The thought was only passing by.

When I woke up today, it felt really great that I didnā€™t eat anything after my dinner. I am so happy, such a nice feeling when one gets to get over urges and triggersā€¦ :muscle:t3:

I also celebrated 5 years alcohol free yesterday, so itā€™s almost like a double win :clap:t3::hugs::heart::heart::heart:

  • Ed = eating disorder, but also a name I gave to my ED

@acromouse indeed. Sorry your hormones are still making things difficult :people_hugging:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: well done for 2 days :clap:t2:
@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:

47 days no takeaways.
43 days no sugar.
30 days no crisps.
1 day no binge-eating.

Yesterday it was difficult to ignore my cravings for strawberries and greek yoghurt, and it made me in a really bad mood, like a toddler being told no. But I canā€™t keep having them every day because Iā€™ve been spending too much money on fruit.



@Jana1988 First of all: Huge congrats on 5 yeard freedom from alcohol :partying_face: :clap: :heart_eyes:
Nice idea to give your inner craving voice a name. And good work on recognizing that it is Ed who wants to binge and then making your own decision yesterday :muscle:

279 days no sugar
143 UPF
17 gluten
17 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Still hormonally challenged.


Maybe a binge, maybe not.
But Iā€™ve definitely been eating more this week.
I air fried 2 servings of tater tots, and had 2 bacon and cheese egg bites.
Along with oat milk chai lattes all dayā€¦
Lots of sugar in them :grimacing:

I never felt full today. But seemed to feel hungry every couple of hours and I ate / drank every time.

Writing it out sounds healthy because I am listening to my hunger cuesā€¦But didnā€™t ā€œfeelā€ healthy. No fruit. Minimal protein. Mostly sugar and carbs.

I have to do better


Sometimes we have a day like this ā€¦ The sugar is likely to be the reason why you constantly felt hungry, because your body burns it quickly and requires more of it. Unlike protein fills you up for longer period of time and is generally better if youā€™re not doing any cardio exercises or if you donā€™t have any other energy spend.


Day 1354 : No binge today. :blush:


@Jana1988 sorry I missed it yesterday, but congrats on 5 years AF :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:

48 days no takeaways.
44 days no sugar.
31 days no crisps.
2 days no binge-eating.

I ended up having to go to the shopping centre to buy bug spray because I discovered lots of small bugs in my porch and although a lot appeared dead, there were a few on the walls and ceilings so I knew some were alive. Totally freaked me out :grimacing::nauseated_face:

Anyway so I bought healthy food because I was in the vicinity, my inner toddler was happy, but now I need to try not to buy any more.



Thank you, @CATMANCAM and @acromouse :hugs::hugs::hugs:

3 days no binge :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Jana1988 Well done on staying on track!
@CATMANCAM Sorry to hear about the bugs. Thatā€™s always disconcerning.
@Scorpn Listening to your hunger cues is a great way to navigate. Be nice to yourself. Donā€™t beat yourself up so much. :heart:

280 days no sugar
144 UPF
18 gluten
18 dairy

Since I stopped bingeing I have been conflicted with the definition of that part of my eating behaviour that still troubles me. Iā€™ve tried to call it overeating, compulsive eating, etc.
I still feel like I am not comfortable with the definition what the behaviour is that I want to abstain from. There are a lot of conflicting feelings and thoughts around this.
So I decided to remove my counter for ā€˜overeating/compulsive eatingā€™. Instead I am going to focus on setting the intention to stay present with eating, keeping heart and mind open, investigating this area on a daily basis until I have gained clarity.
Iā€™m still keeping the counters for my trigger foods. There I am quite clear about.


When I managed to stay away from binging, I also had these urges to over eat/eat compulsivelyā€¦also not sure how to name it. It was that moment when I ate more than I would like to but not enough to call it binge. It still troubled me and made me unsatisfied. Maybe itā€™s the same youā€™re describing?
I never know how to deal with it. To me it feels like fear that I will be hungry once I canā€™t eat anymore (e.g. after a dinner), so I eat as much and lots of different food for my dinner until I am very full. It doesnā€™t make me happy but I fear that I will binge if I didnā€™t eat that much.


Day 1355 : No binge today. :blush:


Walking 7/28 Days
Day 81 of low carb breakfast.

Iā€™m eating more than the one icecream bar per day that I typically allow myself, so I need to watch that. Otherwise Iā€™ll need to be adding another counter soon.


Day 10
No binge eating


You are doing really well :hugs::blush:


@Sissychris39 congrats on double digits :tada:

49 days no takeaways.
45 days no sugar.
32 days no crisps.
3 days no binge-eating.

So yet again I went to the shop to buy strawberries and mango. I know itā€™s healthy but why does it have to cost 3x as much as crisps!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Iā€™m getting to the point where Iā€™m not craving takeaways, sugar, or crisps, I hope this continues because that sense of peace has returned. :raised_hands:t2:



Thanks so much!

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Thanks, and congratulations to you too!

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